Register for Ancient Literature
Please enter the following information to register for Ancient Literature. After submitting your information, you will be given a link for payment.  

The cost of the course is $100. Each additional student under the same roof pays $50. Please fill out a separate registration for each student.

Books are not included. You will need to purchase or borrow books on your own based on the book list we provide.

A Google account is required for access to this course. If you have a Gmail address, you have a Google account. You may also set up a Google account without a Gmail address. To set up an account or for questions about this requirement, visit:

Contact: 903-243-9540 or

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Google Account Email
*Required for course access
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Age *
Students for this class must be at least 13 years of age.
What grade is your student in? *
Parent's Full Name *
Parent's Cell Phone Number *
City, State
Additional Email Address (optional)
Sometimes we may send notifications via email about the course.  We will always include the main Google account email requested above in any communications, but we realize it might be helpful for a parent or other supervisor to receive these notifications as well.  This field is optional and for your convenience.
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