Snippets of Genius Podcast Guest Information
Thanks for your interest in being a guest on the Snippets of Genius Podcast, hosted by Caroline Kay.
This business podcast celebrates an eclectic mix of businesses who are either fun, good or different. Each episode's made to inspire and enable listeners to start, stand out, scale up and make an impact.

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Would you like to be added to the BURST mailing list to be the first to hear about the new Snippet's of Genius series and learn how to cultivate the opportunities you never thought you could have? *
Contact Information
First & Last Name *
What is the best number to reach you on? *
Brand / Organization Info
Brand/Organization name *
Website *
Social Handles: LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram/ Twitter (please add all that apply)
Guest Details
Can you give me your bio and a little bit of info on you and your business? *
How long have you been in your current role / running your business? *
Who is your ideal client, and how are you helping them? *
What are the big ideas, stories, moments you can share that would make for a great conversation? *
Links to prior interviews (No more than 3 and preferably audio)
Explain WHY you are excited to come on the show. *
Additional info
Link to preferred headshot photo (Must be at least 1500px x 1500 pixels) *
Link to preferred full body photo, ideally one loving life in the business (Must be 1200 x 630 pixels wide) *
 To ensure a smooth, high-quality interview, the following setup requirements are mandatory. Check the box below to confirm that you understand: *· Headphones (must be worn during the interview)· A microphone (a built-in microphone is okay)· High-speed internet access *
Your answers and imagery will be used for marketing purposes *
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