Apply for Intuitive Entrepreneurship | Alignment & Authenticity Coaching
magic happens when we get out of our way.

together we will uncover your blocks, heal your wounds, and finally break free from the programming that is no longer serving you. 

by releasing wounded parts of you, you will be able to manifest from a place of abundance and ease rather than lack and scarcity. 

during out time together, i will give you the exact roadmap i took to go from burnout to BLISS in my life and my career!

welcome to wonderland. let's dive in 💫
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Your Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Social Handles and/or website *
What are your favorite platforms to consume content? Why?
What about your current situation do you want to change the most?
What are your goals/vision when it comes to your career?
A year from now, what do you envision a perfect work week looking like?
What is your why? What is the real reason you want to pursue these goals?
What is stopping you from achieving your goals?
What are your biggest fears when it comes to your career?
Where do you think these fears are coming from?
What do you think your life would look like if you were able to overcome these struggles/roadblocks?
If there were no limitations, what do you think the perfect solution could look like?
If you could pick my brain, what would you want to ask me?
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