Provincial Record Certificate Request Form
If you are requesting more than one Record Certificate, you will need to fill out a separate request form.
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Email *
What is your FULL name? *
Gender *
Weight Class you competed in.
Age Category you competed in. *
Weight Class you competed in.
Female weight classes: 43kg, 47kg, 52kg, 57kg, 63kg, 69kg, 76kg, 84kg, 84+kg

Male weight classes: 53kg, 59kg, 66kg, 74kg, 83kg, 93kg, 105kg, 120kg, 120+kg

(Note: women’s 43kg and men’s 53kg only apply to sub-junior and junior competitors)
Division *
Do you compete as a Special Olympic Athlete? *
What lift did you set your record in? *
What was the weight lifted in KILOGRAMS? *
What was the name of the competition the record was set in? *
What was the date the record was set on? *
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