Teaching with ePortfolios Workshop
This workshop, lead by Megan MacKenzie, E-Learning Instructional Designer, will introduce participants to ePortfolios in the classroom.

ePortfolios can be used by students, staff, and faculty in a number of ways. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- distinguish between assessment, developmental, showcase, and archive ePortfolios;
- identify and select an ePortfolio platform based on student and instructor needs;
- consider the effective use of ePortfolios in the classroom;
- assess the appropriate, inclusive, and accessible inclusion of ePortfolios in a classroom setting;
- develop/design appropriate ePortfolio assessment.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 16th from 2:00 - 3:30pm in HSB 106. Laptops and other devices are welcome! If you have any questions or are unable to attend, please contact mfmackenzie@upei.ca
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