John Dryden
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1)  John Dryden was England’s first official laureate. *
2 points
2)  What royalist panegyric did Dryden wrote welcoming King Charles II? *
2 points
3)  Which symbol represents a caesura? *
1 point
4)  What are the 3 translation strategies fonded by Dryden? *
3 points
5)  In the Dedication to Virgil’s Aeneis, Dryden changed his position in regards to... (more than one answer is correct) *
2 points
6)  Describe in few words what is paraphrase. *
4 points
7)  According to John Dryden, the translator needs to ignore the author’s “particular turn of thoughts”. *
3 points
8)  According to John Dryden, to translate poetry a person needs to be… *
3 points
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