The East Central Leadership Academy is seeking interested students who enjoy designing, creating, innovative experiences, and engaging challenges.

We are taking applications for the 2023-2024 school year. Spots are available in Kinder and limited spots are available in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. If the capacity limit is met in a grade level, your child will be offered a place on our waitlist. In the event space becomes available in a classroom, we would be able to offer your child a student position at the Leadership Academy.

Leadership Academy Vision: 
We envision a learning community that develops real-world leaders by going beyond the traditional classroom to promote student agency.  We will facilitate a holistic environment where the whole child is nurtured, a growth mindset is formed and critical thinking skills are cultivated.  This will be accomplished through the purposeful integration of technology and collaboration. Our student leaders are inquisitive, responsible citizens, who through perseverance and initiative can make change within themselves and the world.

School Overview

The East Central Leadership Academy provides a unique learning experience for students through a Project-Based Learning model that incorporates blending technology with classroom instruction. Service-learning, career exploration, and leadership development are the cornerstones of our academy. The East Central Leadership Academy strives to build the global leaders of tomorrow.

Transportation will be provided to all students who reside in the East Central Independent School District. It will be in the form of a shuttle or designated stops.

Student and Parent Expectations

The East Central Leadership Academy is seeking interested students who enjoy designing, creating, innovative experiences, and engaging challenges. The academy student should strive to achieve:

- an attendance rate of 96% or higher
- a maintained Behavior grade of 3 or higher
- a maintained Academic average of 3 or higher
- a growth mindset towards continuous Academic and Behavioral performance

Parent/guardian participation in the East Central Leadership Academy is critical for the success of your student. 

Selection and Notification Process

Applications are available until classes are full.  

Once an application is submitted a decision will be made based on the availability of space and student’s campus of origin.  Once all slots are filled, additional applications will be placed on a waiting list. Incoming Kindergarten through 5th grade students who reside in the ECISD school district for the 2023-2024 year are eligible to apply.

STEP 1: Complete and submit the online application for the East Central Leadership Academy.
STEP 2: Campus staff will review applications for availability per grade level.
STEP 3: Families will be notified of acceptance or waitlist placement.

*If the capacity limit is met in a grade level your child will be offered a place on our waitlist.
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