2023-24 Cold Spring Student Directory
Cold Spring student contact information for Cold Spring families who opt-in to participate.  This is 100% optional and intended to be a resource to connect friends for playdates, birthday parties, etc.  The Student Directory will be shared with Cold Spring families with password protection.  The Directory will be updated monthly with any new submissions after it gets published the first time.
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First Student's Name (LAST, First) *
Grade Level *
Parent's Name(s) (LAST, First) *
Parent's Email(s) (LAST, First)
Parent's Address(es)
Parent's Phone Number(s)
Second Student's Name (LAST, First)
Grade Level
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Third Student's Name (LAST, First)
Grade Level
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Fourth Student's Name (LAST, First)
Grade Level
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Fifth Student's Name (LAST, First)
Grade Level
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