Registration: Dec. 14, 2013 NEFFCON-NorCal Assembly
REMINDERS: We request everyone to bring an object that symbolizes home or peace for you that we will place on an altar at the assembly. We also ask clergy to bring their religious vestments for the peaceful procession to the Philippine consulate which is the last action part of the assembly.
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i.e. Ms, Mr. Rev. Fr. Dr. etc.
First Name *
Last Name *
Congregation / Organization *
City/Town and State where your congregation / organization is located *
Mailing Address
(house number, street, P.O. box #)
City / Town *
State *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
we will keep your contact information confidential and will only be used to contact you regarding this event and future solidarity actions
Phone Number
Do you need housing? *
If you need housing, please check which date/s you need to stay the night
you can choose both nights if you want to be in San Francisco the day before the assembly
Do you have any dietary needs?
i.e. diabetic, non-dairy, etc.
Do you have any special needs?
i.e. translation, accessibility concerns, etc.
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