24h event in Luleå 7th to 8th of june 2024
A 24 hour event will be held in Luleå between the 7th and 8th of june this year. A 24 hour event is special in the way that it´s duration is 24 hour long. However, if you don´t want to, you don´t have to be up for 24 hours in a row if you play in a team. There will be two different competitions, one with bikes and one by foot. No motorized viecles will be allowed during any of the events. 

To actually get the medal these are the demands:
For the individual competition:

You need to take at least 120(5 zones on average every active hour) zones if you compete by foot and take at least 240(10 zones on average every active hour) zones if you compete with bike. And you also need to take at least 1 zones every calendar hour

For the competition with two people per team:
You will turf in shifts of 2 or 3 hours and during your entire turftime you will have to take at least 120 zones (10 zones on average every active hour) if you go by foot and at least 180 zones (15 zones on average every active hour) AND at least one zone every active calendar hour

For the competition with three people per team:
You will turf in shifts of 2 hours and during your entire turftime you have to take at least 80 zones (10 on average every active hour) if you go by foot and at least 120 zones (15 on average every active hour) AND at least one zone every active calendar hour

The event will start at 11:00 on the 7th of june and end on the 8th of june 11:00. Giving people time to sleep for a couple of hours after the event but before the dinner that will be held 19:00 on the 8th of june. 

If you want want to be in a team and do not have anyone I can try to set up a team for you

More information about the event will come up and I ask your email so I can easily update you with the information that will come. If you have any questions or need to change something in your answer email me:

It is free to participate but since it´s not free hosting this event a small sum of 100-150kr would be highly appreciated! 
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Foot or Bike event? *
What is your turfnick? *
Your email for updates about the event and the dinner afterwards(you can bring your own food if you don´t want the asian food I am refering to in the desciption) *
Do you want to play individually or in a team? *
Who are you planning to be in a team with if you play in a team?
Are you interested about the dinner in the evening of the 8th? (remember that you have time to sleep between the event and the dinner)
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Are you interested in getting authentic asian food cooked by my foreign friends? (160kr) *
Any food allergies (be specific)
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