Field/Gym Request
This form must be completed in order to schedule time on O'Hara Fields and/or in the O'Hara Gym. Please contact John Conway, Athletic Director, if you have any questions. / 541-485-5291 x 204
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Head Coach Name: *
Head Coach Phone Number: *
Head Coach Email Address: *
Assistant Coach Name:
if applicable
Assistant Coach Phone Number:
Assistant Coach Email:
Sport *
Grade Level(s) eligible to play: *
Gender of team *
Organization? *
(YMCA, Kidsports, etc)
Has an email been sent to notify the families of the team formation? *
This is required. Please send your email to: John Conway and/or Megan Brewer to be forwarded to the appropriate grades.
When does the season begin? *
When does the season end?  Please be specific - this date will be used to fill the schedule. *
Will all students on the team be O'Hara students? *
Generally all students should be from O'Hara, unless there are not enough interested O'Hara students.
I have read the O'Hara Student/Parent Handbook Sports section and agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth in the handbook. *
Which location is your first choice to practice? *
Which location is your second choice to practice? *
Which location is your third choice to practice?
Please tell us what your preferred practice schedule is?
please include days & times (use 15 minute increments)
If your first choice is not available, please list all other times that would work for your team.
please include days & times (use 15 minute increments)
Are there any days/times that WILL NOT work?
please include days & times (use 15 minute increments)
Additional days/times needed for games?
(use 15 minute increments)
Please include any additional notes or explanations here:
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