MPCC Members Feedback
Blessed New Year. We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on the coming changes to our Service times. You can also do this feedback on behalf of another member. 
1. To recombine into one Service on Sunday @9 am (w.e.f 22nd Jan)
2. To start a new Service on 1115 or 1130 am Sunday (in April), with an "international" flavour and sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the newgen folks 
This will make it easier for our Worship Teams to serve
The new Service will be a project in collaboration with our Filipino Cong. This will also free up the Sunday Afternoon slot for their other training activities. 
With this , there is a possibility of having slightly different tone in our Services i.e. Holy Communion can be fornightly at 9 am.
This will leave room on Saturday for other activities.
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If we cancel the Saturday Service, will you be able to attend the Sunday morning one? If "No", do let us know the reasons. 
New Service: Please share your hopes, concerns or any ideas which may be helpful. 
How else do you think our Sunday Service (and post Service activities) can be strengthened or improved on? 
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