YAM Camp 2024
Parents please complete this online registration if you want your child to attend this year's YAM Camp in July.
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Which week of camp do you prefer? *
What grade will your child be in when school starts in August? *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Alternate Phone Number
Parent Email Address *
Parent Home Address *
Health Concerns *
Lunch Status *
Prior YAMs Program (Check All that apply) *
How Many Years in Prior Program *
Preferred Instrument

Second Choice Instrument *
Camp Lunch Preference *
Will you be in need of child care either before camp (7:30-8:30am) or after camp (3:30-5:30pm)?
Clear selection
School *
T-Shirt Size *

My child has permission to play in the shallow creek which is located at the Holly Springs Center.

We will not hold the following people responsible or liable for any damages, injuries, or accidents that may occur at the camp during the week:  Volunteer staff members, independent contractors, or Board Members of Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music (POSAM) or Young Appalachian Musicians (YAM), any staff or Board Member of The School District of Pickens County; any staff member (paid or volunteer) of the Holly Springs Center, or any Board member of the Holly Springs Center.

By typing the parent name in the space below, you give permission for your child to play in the shallow creek.

Do you give permission for us to use your child's photo in any YAMs promotions or displays? *


You hereby waive and agree to release any claims which you or your heirs and successors may have against POSAM (Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music), Young Appalachian Musicians, The Holly Springs Center, and The School District of Pickens County and its officers, directors, employees, or agents for any and all injuries, losses or damages to you or your child and your personal property.  By signing this enrollment agreement, you agree to be responsible for, indemnify, and hold harmless POSAM, Young Appalachian Musicians, Holly Springs Center, and the School District of Pickens County from and against any claims suits, judgments, or costs which may be brought against POSAM, its officers, directors, employees, or agents for the actual or alleged acts or omissions of you or your child.

By typing the parent name below, you are signing and agreeing to the Indemnification and Liability waiver for your child:

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