2023 Health Disparities Pilot Grants - Letter of Intent (Required) Priority deadline January 27, 2023 and Final deadline February 6, 2023
The University of Minnesota Program in Health Disparities Research (PHDR) is pleased to announce the 2023 Health Disparities Pilot Grants. These grants are designed to encourage community-initiated research and foster sustainable long-term collaboration between community-based organizations and academic researchers conducting research projects focused on reducing and eliminating health disparities.

This required letter of intent has a priority deadline of Friday, January 27, 2023 by 6:00pm and a final deadline of Monday, February 6, 2023 by 6:00pm. For community organizations that are applying without an academic partner, the matching process can take some time, so we encourage getting your LOI in as early as possible.  

After you have completed all of the required sections below, please click "Submit" at the bottom.
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Community Organization
Community Organization Affiliation *
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
University of Minnesota Academic Partner
Please choose one of the following statement  *
Name *
If you do not have an academic partner, write "N/A"
Department  *
If you do not have an academic partner, write "N/A"
Email *
If you do not have an academic partner, write "N/A"
Phone Number *
If you do not have an academic partner, write "N/A"
Please complete the following sections. Total character limit for all sections combined is 2,500 (including spaces).
Statement of Research Intent: What do you plan to research?
Significance of Research Interest: Why is your research topic important?
Plans for Future Funding and Research
Which funding priority topic applies to your application?
Please check all that apply
How did you hear about the Health Disparities Pilot Grants?
Please check all that apply 
Questions or Comments
You may also contact Yasamin Graff at hdpilotgrants@umn.edu. Please click "Submit" at the bottom.
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