Food Service Refund Request Form
If your student is transferring out of the HAMILTON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT, we have multiple options available for remaining cafeteria balances.
  • REQUEST A REFUND: Remaining cafeteria balance will be refunded to you. (A check will be mailed to you and could take up to 4 weeks for processing.)
  • TRANSFER FUNDS: Remaining cafeteria balance to be transferred to another student (i.e. sibling, another student who you designate, or donate to students in need)
If you have been using the automatic prepayment function on the School Cafe website, please make sure to turn off the automatic prepayments before requesting a refund or transfer.

PLEASE NOTE: Remaining balances may change if your child continues to purchase meals or snacks before they are no longer attending our school district.

Email *
THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED - What would you like to do with the remaining funds in your student's cafeteria account?
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