Psychologists are gathering to continue to build a community for improving research practices. The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science promotes dialogue, experimentation with new approaches, evaluation of existing and possible practices, and sharing and dissemination of evidence and insight about maximizing the quality and effectiveness of psychological science. Read more about our planned agenda here: second meeting will be held at the Center for Open Science in Charlottesville, Virginia from July 30 - August 1, 2017. Because of practical constraints, registration is limited to approximately 300 participants for the second annual meeting. Beyond the organizing team, those registering earlier will be given priority , and we will create a wait-list should interest exceed capacity. We value diversity and inclusivity, and we will strive to have the attendance of the meeting reflect the breadth of diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in our field.
The conference will have a $200 registration fee ($100 for grad students and post docs), and these rates will increase to $250/$150 on March 15, 2017. Additionally, COS has an agreement with an on-site hotel for reduced room rates ($165/night + tax) from Sunday - Tuesday nights.
After registering, meeting organizers will follow-up with you to confirm whether space is available and, if so, logistics for arranging your travel. The agenda is in development and will be shared with confirmed attendees for comment and improvement prior to the meeting.
Update (2/19/17): Initial acceptances for the 2017 meeting have gone out. There are still a limited number of spots available. However, we have exhausted the money we have for registration scholarships for the meeting. Sign up here, and you will be contacted soon if space remains available.