WINTER/SPRING 2024 Booking Form for Tiny Trees & Forest Folk Sessions with Mini Foresters at Bristol Forest School site   (This term runs from February to April).    
Mini Foresters runs Pre-School forest school sessions for children to attend with their parents/carers at the Bristol forest School site next to Leigh Court:

Tiny Trees for 1-3 year olds is a free-flow/choice structure before we gather around the fire together for a wholesome snack (siblings under 1's attend for free);

Forest Folk for 3-5 year olds* begins with a whole group activity followed by time to roam freely in our play area before fire/snack time together (siblings under 1's attend for free).

*Tiny Trees parents are under no pressure to move their children up to Forest Folk after their third birthday - there is no rush, please base your choice around your child's personality/needs e.g. listening/following instructions

If you would like to do a 'Trial' session first before booking onto the rest of term, fill in the form below and where it asks for 'additional info' type ''Trial'' and date you would like to start, you will then be invoiced for just that session.

If you are interested in our Saturday Mini sessions for 2 - 6 years these are run once a month. Booking for this is done on a separate form -  (Please note activities for these sessions are aimed at 3+)

Any Questions, queries, please contact Lou on or

*HALF TERM* - The school half term is from 17th February - 21st February   There will be no sessions running this week - PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THIS.

There will be 4 sessions this term which runs from February to April, you are welcome to join us at any time during the term.

Tiny Trees is charged at £10.00 per session, Forest Folk £11.00 per session and siblings £6.00 per session.
Booking/payment is in termly blocks. If you join mid term, you are charged only for the remaining sessions in that term's block. 

The COST below is for 4 fortnightly sessions 
(This is updated 18/11/24)

TINY TREES FORTNIGHTLY*:  - cost £40.00 and £24.00 per sibling (under 1's come for free!) 

*There are two sets of groups that run on different weeks (Week A and B). Please select the group with the dates you prefer.

FOREST FOLK FORTNIGHTLY: cost £44.00 and £24.00 per sibling (under 1s come for free!)

If you would like to attend weekly, it is possible to attend our fortnightly groups weekly. Please state in 'other information' the days/sessions you would like to attend.  

Once you have filled in the booking form you will receive an email with the dates and payment details for your booking. PLEASE KEEP A LOOK OUT IN YOUR INBOX/SPAM/JUNK FOR AN EMAIL FROM 
If you are no longer wanting to keep that booking please can you let us know ASAP.


DATES/TIMES: see booking selection below.

If you cannot attend one of our available sessions, please add yourself to the Waiting/mailing List for an early bird booking opportunity

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Email *
Tiny Trees FORTNIGHTLY (Five sessions this term) Please tick one or two sessions you would like to book.
Forest Folk FORTNIGHTLY (Five sessions this term)  
Please note Tues & Wed FF sessions will take place at the same time as TT session and they will come together for free flow play time and snack.            
Child's Name *
Child's Age *
Any dietary requirements, allergies or medication we need to know about your child? *
Child 2's Name
Child 2's Age
Any dietary requirements, allergies or medication we need to know about your child 2?
Any additional info: e.g. Trial session / want to do weekly sessions, please state chosen days, additional children, health conditions you think we should be aware of etc.
Do you give permission for photos/videos of your child to be used for Mini Foresters marketing on our website/social media? Names will not be used.   *
Parent's full name: *
Parent's telephone number: *
Email address for session info to be sent to (At the start of the week your session is on you will be sent an email about the up and coming session):
In accordance with GDPR, would you like your email stored for future communications about Mini Forester sessions after your term with us? You can revoke this at any time: *
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