NYC Gaia DR3 fête application form
The NYC Gaia DR3 fête will be a small in-person event (20-ish external participants) gathering in New York City (possibly with satellite events in other locations) starting on the release date of Gaia DR3 on 2022 June 13 and ending mid-day on 2022 June 16. The idea of the event will be to make preliminary, science-inspired visualizations of the Gaia DR3 data and build new scientific collaborations, locally and globally. For more information see

We recognize and apologize that this meeting conflicts with AAS 240. Before filling out this form, you may wish to visit an online meme generator to generate a meme related to your excitement about DR3. We expect to be over-subscribed; if we are, we will give some preference to early-career applicants, and try to admit a set of participants that span a range of data applications.
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Which of the Gaia DR3 data are you most excited about? Check all that apply. *
Create a meme that expresses what you are most excited or interested about in Gaia DR3
Create an image, GIF, or short video, post it to a URL, and provide a link to your submission below. You are encouraged to share your meme publicly with the hashtag #GaiaSprint.
What figure, diagram, or visualization are you planning to make using the Gaia DR3 data? *
Be as specific as possible!
Can you attend in person in NYC? *
Answer this question thinking about your schedule, not your travel funding! There will be a subsequent opportunity to apply for limited travel support.
If we don't have space to admit you (the NYC event will be small!), would you be interested in running a satellite event at your home institution in parallel?
Note: This will *not* be used for evaluating proposals! This will only be used to figure out who to coordinate with after decisions are made.
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What is your last name? *
What is your first name or names or initials? *
What is your home institution? *
What is your position? *
Do you consider yourself to be a member of an under-represented (in astrophysics) demographic group? *
Openness and collaboration *
At the fête, you will be expected to share ideas openly and take on collaborators when others contribute significantly to your project. Our collaboration policy is written in full at Please read the collaboration policy and then answer the question below.
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