iCARE Mental Health Expo 5; Thrive!

iCARE Mental Health Expo, launched last October 2018, is a platform of raising awareness on mental health in the community by bringing experts to the ground, capacity-building, policy and program recommendations, meaningful and interactive discussions, and information dissemination. As we are celebrating the Mental Health Month with the theme “Make Mental Health and Well-being for All a Global Priority”, iCARE Mental Health Expo will also have a role in this meaningful event. This 2022, the activities will include:

·         Virtual Kick-off and Mental Health Talk Show – October 10

·         Media Station and School Hopping – October 11-30

·         Mental Health Forum and Expo – November 8, 10AM-8PM


In celebration of World Mental Health Day on October 10, several groups serving and advocating for mental health come together and aims to provide the public a holistic, responsible, and informative experience and awareness about Mental Health and a close encounter with other individuals, groups, organizations and companies advocating and providing services and other means of support for mental health.

Chapter 5 of the Republic Act 11036 or the Mental Health Act of 2017 mandates education and promotion of mental health in educational institutions and in the workplace including the community, thus the birth of the iCARE Mental Health Expo that contributes to the fulfilment of this provision which is conducted every month of October, as deemed the World Mental Health Month.


1.    CONNECT to individuals, groups, organizations, institutions companies, and communities, spreading awareness and support for mental health.

2.    AWARENESS-raising on mental health that is compassionate, responsible and action-oriented.

3.    RESPOND to those who need mental health and psychosocial support assistance, and provide easy access to services as well

4.    EMBRACE and celebrate mental health awareness in various communities


1.    For the audience to understanding Mental Health and its importance

2.    For the audience to be aware of the Philippine Mental Health Law of 2018

3.    For the audience to meet with different mental health professionals in the country (Guidance Counselors, Psychologists, and Psychiatrists)

4.    For the audience learn about mental health issues in different settings, methods, cultures, geographical location, and in various situation including emergencies

5.    For the different mental health advocacy groups and companies to gather, network, and exhibit their own way of supporting and promoting mental health

6.    For all participants be encouraged to CARE and to support mental health awareness and responsibility

7.    For iCare Mental Health expo to create an online, virtual, and printed directory of different mental health groups, services, and professional

8.    For the industries and institutions to incorporate Mental Health programs

9.    For the government agencies, offices, and schools to strengthen the implementation of Mental Health programs in various communities

10.  For the general public to be aware of the best practices of the locality in promoting and preserving Mental Health

11.  Promote mental health in the new normal

Target Audience:     Students, Educators, Workers, Professionals, Humanitarian Service Providers, Community Groups, Professionals, and the General Public from all walks of life

Theme:           “Make Mental Health and Well-being for All a Global Priority”

Concept:  Advocacy-building in various communities through online webinars, social media presence, physical forum and expo, partnership building

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through my mobile number – 0919 688 3047 or email us at wellbeingcluster@gmail.com.

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Will you be able to join the iCARE Mental Health Expo 5; Thrive on November 8, 2022 in Ayala Malls Central Bloc, Cebu IT Park? *
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