Nova Scotia Genealogy Virtual Conference 2025 -  Call for Presentations
The Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia is looking for presentations on Nova Scotian family history stories, record collections, or research techniques, to be presented at the 2025 Nova Scotia Genealogy Virtual Conference, May 3-4, 2025.

Have you made a breakthrough using an interesting record source? Found an intriguing discovery, a DNA story,  or a “lesson learned” that others could benefit from? If you want to share your family’s settlement story, migration journey, or interesting historical records, we want to hear about them!

- Prepare electronic presentation slides (e.g. using PowerPoint or similar software)
- Present via Zoom, to be 20-30 minutes long
- Presentations can be pre-recorded or live (technology support available)
- Should be primarily Nova Scotian content
- Presenters receive $50 & free conference access
- Presenters can submit multiple topics, but must complete different entry submissions for each topic
- Details about previous conferences can be found at 

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2024, 12pm AST

Clarifying queries can be sent to 

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