Cutting Garden Registration -- Genova event
By registering to this event at Genova, you will take part in the global CuttingGardens experience.
For organisatory purposes, we require that you first become a member of the CuttingEEG association, before registering for this event.
Please use this link to become a member of CuttingEEG. You will receive a transaction ID that you can enter in the appropriate field below.

Dates: 16-19/10/2023
Address: Via Dodecaneso, 35, 16146 Genova GE
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Personal Informations
First Name *
Family Name
Affiliation: Institution (Country)
What describes you better?
Where is your main interest?
Registration Fees

The registration fee is 244€ (full fare)/200€(No VAT) for the entire duration of the event.

Alternatively a single day ticket is available at the cost of 97,6€ (full fare)/80€ (No VAT)

The registration fees should be paid using the following link:

CuttingEEG membership Transaction ID
See the top of this page for instructions.
Type of Ticket have you chosen *
Which days will you attend?
Further informations
Are you presenting a poster? *
Food intolerance
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