Pine Island Bully Reporting Form Grades K-4
Before filing an official bully report, we would like to make sure that what you are reporting is bullying and not another type of incident.  Please complete the pre-questions before filing the report.  In order to be bullying, the incident needs to fall under all 3 of the following criteria.
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Pre-Question 1: Have incidents occurred more than once? Please list approximate dates of the multiple incidents. *
Pre-Question 2: Is there an imbalance of power? Please explain the imbalance. *
Pre-Question 3: Have the incidents affected your life at school? Please explain how your school life has changed since the incidents began. *
Reporter name: *
You are reporting as: *
Date of incident: *
Name of student(s) to whom bullying was directed: *
Name of student(s) who engaged in bullying: *
Location of incident: *
Description of the incident: *
Check any that apply if the bullying was directed to another student based on the student's actual or perceived:
Did the bullying occur through electronic communication?  If so, explain the type or form of communication.
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