1:1 Coaching Application
Coaching with Victoria Maurer

Once you've completed the application form, you will receive a link to book a discovery call to see if my coaching program is the right fit for you. 
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Email *
Phone number
Country and city in which you reside
LinkedIn URL and/or Instagram handle
What is your biggest challenge currently?
What have you already done to try and solve this?
If I could wave a magic wand and solve this challenge for you, what would that do for you and how would that change your life? (Health, money, family, work, etc.) Be Detailed! This is your opportunity to dream big! 
How committed are you to making the change in order to achieve this outcome? 
Not that committed
Totally committed
Cancella selezione
Why is now the right time to work with a coach?
There are a lot of coaches in this space, why do you want to work with me specifically? 
How did you hear about me?
How willing and able are you to invest in growth right now?
Cancella selezione
Anything else you'd like me to know before our call? 
Cancella modulo
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