US Tax Filing Season Questionnaire
Thank you for planning to attend the upcoming Many Happy Returns! US Tax Filing Presentation. In order to tailor the tax topics more specifically to the audience, we are asking you to fill out this questionnaire. No names or emails will be recorded. Please contact us at with any questions!
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How long have you been living outside of the United States? *
What sort of visa or other right do you have that allows you to live overseas? *
Do you plan to live outside of the United States during your retirement? *
If you own your own business outside of the United States, how is it structured? *
How are you employed outside of the United States? *
Are you tax-equalized by your employer? *
What is your number one question/most pressing issue regarding taxes? 
What is your number two question/ second most pressing issue regarding taxes? 
Do you have any other questions about tax in the US or in other countries?
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