The Paw Post Sponsored Post Application Form
Thank you for your interest in working together on a sponsored post on my website,

As one of the top 10 UK pet blogs, The Paw Post is dedicated to providing high-quality, valuable content to our readers. 

I'm really excited to hear about potential collaborations that align with our mission and offer genuine value to our audience. 

Please complete this form to apply for a sponsored post so I can gain an understanding of how we might collaborate and whether you are a good fit for the blog.

This podcast episode may be helpful too - it was created to address how to approach content creators as part of my coaching business. 

Why thinking what's in it for them will boost your pitch success rate

If you have any questions, please email,

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Email *
1. Please can you tell me a little about your business? *
2. How do you see us working together?  *
Please expand if your collaboration idea isn't on the previous list

3. Are you willing to be interviewed for this collaboration? *
4. Do you have professional imagery you can provide of you, your product or service? *
5. Describe how your product/service aligns with The Paw Post’s mission and offers value to our readers: *
6. What are your goals for this collaboration? *
7. What type of value exchange are you offering for this collaboration? (e.g., monetary payment, high-value product, dog-friendly stay) *
8. If payment, what is your budget? (Please be mindful that each sponsored post takes at least half a day to write and promote and running this website costs thousands of pounds each year.) *
9. Are there any key points or messages you would like to be part of this collaboration? *
10. Please acknowledge that you are aware I will not accept guest content and that all sponsored posts will be declared as sponsored posts. *
11. Is there anything further you feel it would be helpful to share? *
12. Please share the best email for me to contact you on. *
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