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SAE-A Job Board - Job Advertising for Employers
Advertising Fees:
SAE-A members [FREE]; non-members $200 +GST per ad.
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Job Title
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Job Location (Suburb & State)
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Employment Type
Full Time
Part Time
A few words about the job opportunity (approx 50 words) to be included in the listing
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List up to 5 Key Responsibilities to be included in the listing
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Please provide the job link for job seekers to read more about the Job Ad
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Job Application closing date
Please add any other information about the Job Ad here
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Contact Person First/Last Name
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Contact Person Email
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Contact Person Mobile Number
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Order Details
SAE-A member [FREE] (must be a current SAE-A member)
Non Member [$200 + GST]
Membership Number (provide your membership number if a member or write ''unknow"' if you don't know it). Write ''n/a'' for Non-members
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