Move 24 Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interested in volunteering at Move this year! We are very excited to have so many interested in serving with us at this great event! Part of what makes Move and our other events so special, is that it's like a big family reunion!

Move is Dec 29-30 this year. We will be in touch with you later about your arrival time and more details. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form :) 
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Full Name (first, middle, and last) *
Date of Birth (minimum age of 18) *
Phone Number *
Email *
Shirt Size *
What teams are you most interested in serving on? (select at least two) *
Why are you most interested in these teams?
Have you attended some of our events before? If so, please list them.
What is your home church and city? *
Would you be able to complete our mandatory child protection training (2 hours) and background check by November 7, 2024? *
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