Youth Alliance - initial focus group sign up sheet
Please complete this form if you would like to come along to take part in the first focus group planning sessions being held at the following times at The Space:

Wednesday 28th June - 5-7pm 
Wednesday 26th July 2-4pm
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Date of birth
School/ College 
Postcode/ Area of Stockport you live in
Community/ Youth group who are referring you to the session
Parent/ carer name (if under 18)
Parent/carer phone number (if under 18)
Your phone number (Only if over 18)
Any dietary or medical needs we need to know about?
Do you have any additional learning needs, or accessibility requirements? Please give details if so. 
Preferred pronouns
Which of the following sessions are you intending on attending?
Are you happy for your photograph to be taken during sessions which would be used to promote the group/share in our newsletter? 
Clear selection
Why do you want to be a part of the youth alliance?
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