2024 Torbotics Holiday Ornament Order Form
Decorate in style while supporting the Hammond High Magnet School robotics and engineering program!

Members of the engineering program at HHMS have worked to design this year's ornaments in Autodesk Inventor, a computer aided design software, which students are able to earn professional certification in at HHMS. Our student-designed ornaments are then either cut in-house using our CNC router or are built using our 3D printer. All proceeds from your order will go toward the continued development of our 4-year engineering program and to secure travel for our award-winning robotics teams.

All questions should be directed via email to frcteam2080@gmail.com and our mentor, Ms. Williams, at jean.williams@tangischools.org.

Happy Holidays!

All ornaments will be completed on or before 12/20/24. (Most orders are filled within a week or less of them being placed unless we get backed up.)  An email will be sent to you to confirm when your order is ready. A team member will be in touch within 24-hours of your order being placed to work out details for ornament delivery and payment.

Wood Stained Ornaments: $3.00 each
Painted Wood Ornaments: $5.00 each
3D-printed Ornaments: $5.00

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