Online Pledge Card for 2024
To make your annual commitment to support the year-round mission and ministry of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, please carefully fill out the information below. Paper pledge cards are also available. If you would like a card mailed to you, please contact our Parish Administrator, Susan Frye. You need only complete the pledge card one time, either online or on paper. 

Please submit your online or paper pledge card by October 29, 2023.

Thank you for supporting St. Andrew's Episcopal Church!

Note: You do not have to log in to a Google account to complete this form; you may jump right to answering the questions below.
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Email *
First and Last Name(s): *
Mailing Address: *
Phone Number: *
Has any of the contact information above changed in the last year? *
In response to God's love and to support the mission and ministry of St. Andrew's, I/we plan to give the following amount (Total) for 2024: *
I/We will divide this pledge:
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Anticipated payment method (You may use more than one.): *
Thank you! Together, all our gifts make possible this community of welcome, reconciliation, and service. You will receive confirmation of this commitment by email. 

If you have questions about your prior year pledge amount, setting up or changing a recurring draft, or making gifts of stock or other funds, please email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper. 

St. Andrew's is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403  +  336-275-1651
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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