Fluid Intelligence Test - Gifted
FIT-G consists of 40 numerical sequences. Test strictly requires pattern recognition ability; advanced knowledge is not required– in particular, knowing how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and what roots and squares are. No time limit is set for this questionnaire.
Reference material is allowed; discussing with others in any way is strictly prohibited.
Test's nature is culture fair, thus likely loading well on Gf (Induction/Non-Verbal Quantitative Reasoning).
You may alternatively submit your solutions at hrtsubmission@gmail.com, for a more detailed score report.

A fee of 3.00€ is now mandatory for correcting this test; 
to be sent via PayPal (att829@protonmail.com)
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Scores in PRO tests(specify):
1) 112277, (?), 677129, 959555
2) 19, 32, 51, 83, (?), 217, 351
3) 1410283211, (?), 1806282807, (?), 2202282403
4) 1, 4, 11, 22, 37, (?), (?), (?), (?), 46, 29, 16, 7, 2
5) 3157, (?), 1191315, 12101416, 19172123, (?)
6) 94, 23, 259, 35, (?), 75, 3664, 86
7) 12, 144, 9, 21, 441, 9, (?), (?), (?)
8) 64, (?), 192, 49, 36, 648, (?), (?), 144, 25, (?), 0
9) 3918, (?), 111117126, 354360369, (?)
10) 894104, 790899, (?), -12045000
11) 7, (?), (?), 1, 0, 5, 1, (?), 4, 2, 0, 3, 2, (?), (?)
12) 111, 123, 138, 159, (?), 204, (?), 258
13) 2, 3, 6, (?), 7, 35, 11, 13, (?), (?), (?), 323
14) 2468, 11110, (?), 24442, 48884
15) 15, 666, 10989, 109890, (?)
16) 501105, 606606, 12122121, (?), (?)
17) 8618, 221419, 6450141, (?)
18) 18, 152, 22, 936, 43, (?), (?), (?), 78, 859, 29
19) 10101, 11100, 01200, (?), 00111, (?)
20) 20100, 10001, 00001, (?), (?), 01000, 01000, 10010
21) 2, 1, -1, (?), -1, -4, 2, 4, 2, (?), 8, 2, (?), 7, (?)
22) 199, 191, (?), 233, 565, (?), 433, 767, 445
23) 02196, 341116, 86338, (?), 1010513127, (?)
24) 321, 222113, 22221113222, (?)
25) 2, 5, (?), 18, ?, 31, 95, (?), 26, 57, 57
26) 206, 286, 941, 316, (?), 3271, (?)
27) 9740128, 15305917, -16-4-2081418, (?), -90-11383
28) 83, 881, 6971, (?)
29) 942.8, 31.6, 9.2, (?), 18.8, (?)
30) 16, 451, 121, (?)
31) 2010, 204, 216, 801, (?), 51777
32) 8-34.4, -122.4-0.8, (?)
33) 9842, 4.523218, (?), 0.093750660751363375
34) 843, 50106, 344283, (?), 16808826
35) 540-48, 4000-432, 8300038, (?), 3655400054536, (?)
36) 154, 012, 1258, 021, 1425, 102, 124, 120, (?), (?), (?)
37) 10029604, 1234, 11043200, 1243, ?, 1324, 132.6656-4, 1342, 140.8852-8, (?), (?), (?), (?)
38) 52134, (?), 324540.54, -1580.86254520, (?)
39) -43008.8436, (?)
39b) Is this sequence sufficient? Explain.
40) 6122194, 91420512129751435, 2051920, - (?)
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