Lila Awakening Thailand Retreat
Join us for an immersive 6-day stay at the luxurious Taladya Homestay in Chiang Mai.  During this week you will release and let go of anything stagnant, holding you back, or stifling your inner fire.  It will also re-ignite your beautiful light, help you re-discover lost power and invigorate your passion for life and destiny!

This experience is sure to leave you rejuvenated, excited about your NOW, and ready to embrace change in the future.  You will cultivate space in the body, mind and soul and attract those vibes we put forth and this retreat is all about intentionally choosing those vibes you wish to be a part of your now.

We will move, breathe, dance, play, and explore the vibrant Chiang Mai.  As part of the retreat we will participate in an herbal steam and visit with the Monks, take a mountain hike, and take a trip to an elephant sanctuary nearby.  
Dates: Saturday, February 11-18, 2023
Investment: $3,333

If interested in a private room, please message us directly.
 *Non-Refundable Deposit $555 (due at booking)
 What's Included:
 6 days / 7 nights with full room and board
 All Meals / Drinking Water
 Transportation to and from the airport as well as throughout the retreat
 All Adventures to Include: Herbal Steam and Visit with the Monks, Mountain Hike, Elephant Sanctuary Visit
 2 Massages
Movement Classes / Meditations per Day
 An Experience You Will Never Forget!
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