BKQ Ascendency: Youth Summit Event Registration (Quarter 1)
Event Timing: Saturday, March 23, 2024 
Event Address: 10921 Foy Ln, Houston, Texas 77093 
Contact us at ‪(832) 856-1388‬ or info@BecomingKingsandQueens.org
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Parent Name *
Parent Phone *
Parent Email *
Child Name *
Child Phone *
Child Email *
Child Age *
Child DOB  *
Child T- Shirt Size *
You understand that you are registering your child to attend our BKQ-Ascendancy: Youth Empowerment Summit on Saturday, March 30, at 10a *
Does your child have any dietary restrictions *
Have you visited www.BecomingKingsandQueens.org to learn more about our programs and events? *
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