Submit your city's use of force policy information
8Can'tWait is a campaign to push Mayors and Police Chiefs across the country to implement eight use of force policy restrictions that are associated with substantially lower rates of killings by police. We've reviewed the policies of America's 100 largest cities, but there are many places we have yet to obtain policies for or to review. Moreover, since use of force policies are frequently updated, we need your help to make sure the information on the site is up to date and accurate. If you don't see your city represented on the site or believe your city has use of force policy restrictions that are not displayed on the site - we want to hear from you. Submit your use of force policy and your own interpretation of which restrictions your city currently has in place here.
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What's your title or affiliation (for example, are you working for the city or a community member submitting information you've obtained?). Feel free to leave this blank if you prefer to remain anonymous.
Add a link to your city's police use of force policy here.
1: What section of your city's police use of force policy requires officers to use de-escalation whenever possible? (Note this has to be a requirement in the policy to be identified on our site as such). Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
2: What section of your city's police use of force policy bans officers from using both chokeholds and strangleholds (which includes carotid restraints and other neck restraints)? Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
3. What section of your city's police use of force policy requires officers to give a verbal warning, when feasible, prior to using deadly force? Note, that if the policy only requires a warning when someone is fleeing, that is not a sufficient requirement because it does not cover all cases where a warning is feasible. Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
4. What section of your city's police use of force policy requires officers to intervene in the moment to stop another officer who they witness using excessive force? Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
5.  What section of your city's police use of force policy bans officers from shooting at moving vehicles in all cases except where someone is using deadly force by means other than the vehicle (for example a person shooting at people from the vehicle)? Note, restrictions that allow officers to use deadly force against the vehicle when the vehicle is the only threat - even if the vehicle is presenting a deadly threat - are not in compliance because they do not represent a higher standard than the traditional deadly force standard. Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
6.  What section of your city's police use of force policy requires officers to report all instances of using force - including when they point a firearm at a civilian (even if it does not discharge). Pointing firearms at civilians is often the most frequent reportable force category for agencies that require officers to report this. Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
7.  What section of your city's police use of force policy requires officers to exhaust all available or all reasonable alternatives prior to using deadly force? Note, that this requirement must be explicitly stated on the policy. Enter both the section number/letter and the text of the policy you believe reflects this requirement.
8. What section of your city's police use of force policy establishes a use of force continuum - a framework classifying which force types are the most severe and restricting those to the most extreme situations. Add the text of the policy here or you if the continuum is represented in an image just put a link to where the image is and text describing which section in the policy it's on.
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