MS@CPS External evaluation nomination form
About the MS@CPS project and Cyber Physical System Master program

MS@CPS is a collaborative effort among EU and MENA countries for the establishment of an International Master of Computer Systems on Cyber Physical Systems. The envisioned master programme will focus on the contemporary recent technologies in the fields of Embedded Systems (ES) and Knowledge-based Systems (KBS) that provide the needed expertise for a CPS education and tremendous economic opportunities and furthermore span various important applications in our daily life such as: Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous cars, smart phones, embedded systems, big data, semantic computing, cloud computing, etc.
The curriculum of MS@CPS program is being designed by analyzing the existing curricula in the area of embedded and knowledge-based systems, then a field study of market requirements and needs in the MENA region will be conducted. In parallel, the consortium members will review and examine pedagogical teaching and learning methods to fulfill the program objectives. Further, the curriculum of MS@CPS will be strongly aligned with the special requirements of the industry in the MENA countries in order to establish the skills of the students for strengthening the economy. In particular, MS@CPS will arrange several activities in cooperation with the industry partners to provide an open platform for students and industry, which will strengthen the students' skills and establish joint internships and master thesis. By providing solid skills in entrepreneurship and adopting proven mechanisms from program countries, the graduated students of MS@CPS will be able to establish their own start-ups.

Nomination form purpose

We are seeking for an external evaluator who will evaluate the program progress at different stages and provide us with evaluation reports that will be submitted to the European Union. The remaining period of the project is around 1.5 years.  Best candidates are those who has experience with Erasmus+ European Union capacity building projects and those who performed a previous evaluation for similar program.

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1. Name
2. Email address
3. Mobile number
4.  Brief bio
5. Current or previous affiliation
6. Country of residence
7. Do you have  a previous experience with evaluating Erasmus+ capacity building programs?
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8. If your answer is Yes for Question No. 7, can you please provide us more details on your experience on the evaluating Erasmus+ project (mention some examples).
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