Shuswap Trail Alliance Spring Volunteer Days 2024
2024 Spring Volunteer Day Sign Up

The Shuswap Trail Alliance will be hosting several volunteer trail days throughout the region in the spring of 2024. Please use this form to sign up for any on the dates you would like to attend. 
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Phone Number
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I acknowledge that I have read and understand this Agreement prior to signing it or digitally indicating my acceptance, and agree that by signing, or digitally indicating my acceptance of, this Agreement, I am affecting the legal rights and liabilities of, and making this Agreement binding upon myself, my heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns in the event of my death or incapacity in relation to the Organization. Further, I consent to photographs and video of my image and/or voice being taken and used for purposes of record keeping and promotion without any payment to myself. I knowingly accept all risks and do hereby agree to all the terms of this Agreement. *
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