Minnesota Livestock Breeders' Association Scholarships
There are two scholarships available: one is the Minnesota Livestock Breeders’ Association Scholarship and the other is the McKerrow Scholarship. Scholarships must be claimed within one year of awarding.

Applications are due by 11:59 P.M. on March 1, 2024.

Minnesota Livestock Breeders' Association Scholarship (MLBA)
The MLBA Scholarship is $750 or $500 per school year. The eligibility requirements are as follows:
  • Awarded to an outstanding present or former 4-H or FFA high school senior, entering an agricultural college for their first year at the University of Minnesota - St. Paul; University of Minnesota - Crookston; University of Wisconsin - River Falls; South Dakota State University, North Dakota State University or Iowa State University
  • Must be pursuing a college education in which an major emphasis is on animal agriculture
McKerrow Scholarship
The McKerrow Scholarship is $500 per school year. The eligibility requirements are as follows:
  • Awarded to a present or former 4-H member who is entering their sophomore, junior or senior year at one of the following institutions: University of Minnesota - St. Paul; University of Minnesota - Crookston; University of Wisconsin - River Falls; South Dakota State University, North Dakota State University or Iowa State University
  • Must be a resident of Minnesota 
  • Must be majoring or minoring in Animal Science
  • A student may be awarded the McKerrow scholarship only once
If you have any questions about either scholarship, please connect with the MLBA Secretary's Office at 651-323-4210 or email at steve.pooch@mnstatefair.org.
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First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Address *
Please include street address, city, state and zip code. 
Are you currently in high school or college? *
What year in school are you? *
Date of graduation: *
If you are a high school senior, where do you plan to go to college in the Fall of 2024?
If applicable, what is your major or intended major? *
If applicable, what is your minor or intended minor? *
Name and address of the high school or college you are currently attending: *
Please describe why you are interested in pursuing a college education: *
After graduating from college, what are your intended plans? *
Summarize 4-H or FFA projects and other activities you have been involved in during your high school years. List projects, project growth, leadership activities, awards and honors - including organizational and community experiences. *
If needed, you can email a PDF to Alyssa O'Sullivan at Alyssa.groskopf@gmail.com to include in your application.
I certify that the information provided by me in this application is correct, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Please type name below to acknowledge validity of this statement:
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