UC Santa Cruz Economics Field Placement Information Form
UC Santa Cruz Economics Field Study Program
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the UC Santa Cruz Economics Field Study Program!

What is field study?
This program is a great way for organizations to engage with and mentor quality interns who are serious about pursuing their career interests! UC Santa Cruz economics majors can earn course credit while gaining valuable firsthand experience in the workplace in fields such as accounting, administration, events, marketing, management, research, sales, and more! The internships can range from 5-28 hours per week. We strongly encourage internships be paid at the minimum wage rate or higher, especially with for-profit companies they face a high standard to meet (i.e., not displacing paid employees). We cannot accept 100% remote internships and the campus prohibits internships and internship meetings at residential addresses. 

Organizations that work in partnership with our program are called 'field study supervisors'. The field study supervisor defines the student's position and responsibilities, provides training, and evaluates the student's performance at the end of each quarter. The field study supervisor agrees to provide orientation and training, meet with students every week for 30 minutes of individual supervision or 60 minutes of group supervision, and submit an evaluation of each student’s performance at the end of the quarter. The field study supervisor ensures that the student intern activities provide a significant educational benefit to the student intern(s).

Field Study internships must meet UC Santa Cruz Career Success Center's General Employer Policies and Experiential and Internship guidelines, which also follow the Department of Labor's guidelines and NACE's internship criteria

About this form:

This form provides our office more background about your business/organization. This form only needs to completed by the business/organization and at the start of your partnership with the Economics Department at UC Santa Cruz, and annually thereafter. If information about your organization provided in this form changes sooner, please inform us via email econintern@ucsc.edu.

To learn more about our field study program, please visit our employer information guide on our website. Questions? Please contact econintern@ucsc.edu.

Email *
Business/Organization Name: *
Address (Street, City, Zip Code): *
Please describe the nature and mission of your business/organization. *
What is the business structure--i.e., LLC, Incorporated, 501c3, etc.? *
Which of the following best describes your business/organization? Please check all that apply. *
Approximately, how many persons, excluding interns, are employed (for pay) by the business--i.e., one, more than 10, etc.? *
When was your business founded? *
Thank you for filling out our field placement information form!

There is a separate form that will need to be completed with information specifically about the internship. We will follow up if we have questions. Here is the link to the Internship Description form.
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