Volunteer for Warehouse work at Shrine Events: Please fill out this form
This is for volunteers local to Los Angeles; our warehouse address is located in the Palms area in Los Angeles, CA 90034. 
Please fill out this form for register to be a Warehouse volunteer. 

  • When an event is happening and we need your help, we will contact you to ask about your availability. 

  • Usually an event will take about 1.5 hours of your time. 
  • There are typically between 1 or 4 events per month (please see our website's calendar page) .

The Shrine's warehouse is located in the Palms area in Los Angeles, CA 90034. 
About five minutes walking distance from Metro's Culver City station.

Volunteering will increase your knowledge of Shinto and contribute to a stronger bond with Kami-sama.

May the Kami-sama be with you!

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