Submit a Pitch
Thank you for your interest in contributing to From Our Pack, our blog at Educated Allies! We are a UW-student run website with resources for the Black Lives Matter movement and we created this blog for students to share their stories.

Please fill out this survey and within 24 hours, we will send you an invite to your email to be a Contributor to the site. From there, you will need to make a Wix account and edit your profile. If you don't receive an invite within 24 hours, please DM us @educated.allies on Instagram. We look forward to working with you!
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E-mail *
Name *
Are you a UW student? *
For Our Pack was originally intended to be written by UW students but we welcome students from any school/university to contribute.
In at least a few sentences, summarize the ideas you have for your first post, whether it's a personal narrative or words of wisdom. *
Do you have any questions/concerns for us?
Uma cópia das suas respostas será enviada para o endereço de e-mail fornecido
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