Do you prefer the church to offer children’s and student ministries as we resume, provided that safety and precautions are in place?
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The following questions are to help us better understand how you are doing personally at this time. These questions are not required so give us as much or as little information as you want.
At the current time, how would you rate your physical health?
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How much stress are you experiencing related to your personal finances?
No stress at all
Extreme Stress
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I am currently employed in a stable job situation.
Disagree Strongly
Agree Strongly
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I have people in my life that I can count on no matter what.
Disagree Strongly
Agree Strongly
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When I am in crisis, I find my hope in God
Disagree Strongly
Agree Strongly
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In what year were you born? *
Is there a specific way that we can be praying for you? Do you have any needs that you would like to make us aware of?
Your answer
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