MKSN 25th Anniversary Registration
Join us as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the founding of MK Safety Net! 

Our main venue on Saturday and Sunday will be at the picturesque Coventry Oaks Pavilion Lodge, 40 Axline Ave, Akron, Ohio.

Friday evening's dinner only will be held in the community room at Acme Fresh Market, 3875 Massillon Rd, Uniontown, Ohio.

Friday, September 27 at 5:00 PM to Sunday, September 29 at 1:00 PM. 
(Informal visiting can continue at the venue into the evening on Sunday.)

There will be two or three planned sessions, but overall, this will be less conference-y and more like a family reunion. We'll have outdoor activities like volleyball, cornhole, and soccer, as well as cards and board games. We plan to have an art therapy session as well as guided yoga. There will be plenty of informal time for getting to know other adult MKs and for sharing our stories. Not to mention delicious food!

Your $100 registration includes dinner on Friday night, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday.

*Please note if you are coming with a spouse or other support person, each person must register separately.

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This gathering is for adult MKs. Please tell us a little bit about your MK background and/or your connection to MK Safety Net. *
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