In case of a serious emergency and I cannot be reached, I give permission for St. John’s or Children’s Hour Staff to seek appropriate, professional medical attention for my child.
*1. Parent/Guardian is responsible for their
child’s behavior while attending SPARK.
2. Should your child be exhibiting behaviors
which are disruptive to the group, you may be asked to remove the child until
the behavior improves or the duration of the session.
3. If your child exhibits any behavior that
places others at risk, you will be asked to leave at the discretion of the SPARK volunteers. Your continued participation will
be at the sole discretion of St. John's volunteers and Director.
4. As a parent/guardian you understand your
conduct, behavior and attire also must be in keeping with our values as a Christian Organization.
By digitally signing this form, I
understand that my child’s participation in the SPARK program at St. John's Kittanning, is dependent
on my compliance with the Code of Conduct.
Please sign and date the field below:
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