Thanks for your interest in Volunteering with the Laramie Soup Kitchen!
The first step to volunteering is completing the following application. The application consists of submitting your information, a short orientation document, a short quiz, and ending with a volunteer agreement. Once you have completed the application and it has been reviewed, we will email you the sign up link so you can start signing up for available shifts!
Bringing the family or a group? Each person over the age of 12 must fill out their own application (you can use your own email for their application). When signing up for shifts, please put in the comments "Bringing Kids Ages X & X". This helps staff plan ahead and have age appropriate activities planned.
Privacy Notice:
The Laramie Soup Kitchen takes privacy seriously and takes precautions to protect your information. Information collected is used to contact you in regards to volunteering and other Laramie Soup Kitchen related contact (newsletters, birthday wishes, etc.). We will not share, sell, or rent information collected with any third party outside of the organization. Information collected (Name, Email, Phone Number, Date of Birth, and Community Service Status) help us best serve you as a volunteer of the Laramie Soup Kitchen.