Mobility Center
GEYC's mission is to empower young people to make a change in their community. We believe that providing opportunities to young people, youth workers and project managers to take part in European youth exchanges and training courses is a great chance to improve their skills and to make them feel European citizens.

We are looking forward to welcome you in one of our projects. Please take your time to fill this application form. We often receive general application forms with incomplete GEYCID profiles that we can not accept as they don't really show a true motivation towards the project aims.
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Email *
Personal details
Please make sure that your GEYC-ID profile is updated in the past 30 days and you have provided answers even to the optional questions, as that will help us select the right participants for each project. In the e-mail you received from after registration you will find a link that says „click here to check/update your profile”, which you can use whenever you want to update your profile and add more relevant information.
If you are a GEYC Community member, your GEYCID is in the email you received from upon registration. If you don't find it, you can retrieve your GEYCID once again here. If you are not a GEYC Community member yet, you can get one here. Having a GEYCID is mandatory in order to take part in this activity.
Project related details
Choose the project *
How familiar are you with the main topic of this project? *
Please describe your previous experience(s) connected to this topic.
What is your motivation to participate in the chosen project? *
Please describe your motivation in 10-15 lines focusing on: why have you chosen this project, what do you expect to achieve from it, how you will prepare for this project and how you will get involved during activities. Please explain if you belong to the target group. You need to be as specific as possible. Be careful: plagiarism and AI generated answers can exclude you automatically from the selection process.
Data protection notification
By submitting this form, I understand and agree that the personal data I have communicated will be strictly used for the proper conduct of the project and that it will also be transmitted in the funding program database shall my application be successful. GEYC's Data Protection Procedure is available at 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change.

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