Monash University Recruitment Registry - Bone & Muscle Research Group
If you're interested in joining the Bone and Muscle Group Research Registry, please read the information form using the link below:
Example Information and Consent Form (this is an example form only- you will only be able to view it, not edit it.) 

After joining the Registry, if you are potentially eligible to participate in a research study we are conducting, we will contact you. We will provide you with detailed information about that research study. Your participation in any research study is entirely voluntary, and you are free to decline any invitation.

For further information, contact:

For more information on our research group:
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Email *
Confirm email address *
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
Gender *
Address *
Height - units *
What is your height? *
Weight - units *
What is your weight? *
Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have osteoporosis? *
Do you take any Vitamin D supplements (including in multi vitamins)? *
Do you take any Calcium supplements (including in multi vitamins)? *
Do you take any osteoporosis medications? *
Fosamax (aledronate)
Actonel (risedronate)
Aclasta infusion (zoledronic acid)
Pamidronate infusion
Denosumab injection (Prolia)
Teriparatide injection (Forteo)
Raloxifene (Evista)
Strontium (Protos)
Do you take any weight loss supplements or medications? *
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do VIGOROUS physical activities like heavy lifting, digging, aerobics, or fast bicycling? *
How much time did you spend doing vigorous physical activities on one of those days?
How many minutes per day? [ Leave blank if not known / unsure ]
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