An open response to 'In defence of science' New Zealand Listener (July 23)
A letter signed by seven University of Auckland Professors/Professors Emeritus, published in the New Zealand Listener (July 23) claims to be ‘in defence of science’ against what is described as an effort to “encourage mistrust of science”.

We, the signatories to this response, categorically disagree with their views. Indigenous knowledges - in this case, Mātauranga - are not lesser to other knowledge systems. Indeed, indigenous ways of knowing, including Mātauranga, have always included methodologies that overlap with ‘Western’ understandings of the scientific method.

However, Mātauranga is far more than just equivalent to or equal to ‘Western’ science. It offers ways of viewing the world that are unique and complementary to other knowledge systems.

The seven Professors describe efforts to reevaluate and revise the significance of Mātauranga in NCEA, including the acknowledgement of the role ‘western’ science has played in rationalising colonisation as contributing to “disturbing misunderstandings of science emerging at all levels of education and in science funding.”

The Professors claim that “science itself does not colonise”, ignoring the fact that colonisation, racism, misogyny, and eugenics have each been championed by scientists wielding a self-declared monopoly on universal knowledge.

And while the Professors describe science as ‘universal’, they fail to acknowledge that science has long excluded indigenous peoples from participation, preferring them as subjects for study and exploitation. Diminishing the role of indigenous knowledge systems is simply another tool for exclusion and exploitation.

The Professors present a series of global crises that we must “battle” with science, again failing to acknowledge the ways in which science has contributed to the creation of these challenges. Putting science on a pedestal gets us no further in the solution of these crises.

Finally, they believe that “mistrust of science” is increased by this kind of critique. In contrast, we believe that mistrust in science stems from science’s ongoing role in perpetuating ‘scientific’ racism, justifying colonisation, and continuing support of systems that create injustice. There can be no trust in science without robust self-reflection by the science community and an active commitment to change.


Professor Shaun Hendy FRSNZ MNZM, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles MNZM, University of Auckland
Professor Virginia Braun, University of Auckland
Andrew Sporle, iNZight Analytics
Dr Tara McAllister, University of Auckland
Professor Joseph Boden, University of Otago Christchurch
Bilal Nasier, School of Psychology, The University of Auckland
Jo Bailey, Toi Rauwharangi / College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Rituparna Roy, University of Auckland
Sanjana Hattotuwa, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS)
Jade Le Grice, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Peter Donelan, Victoria University of Wellington/Te Herenga Waka
Associate Professor Jennifer Frost, University of Auckland
Wern Tje Lim, University of Auckland
Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch, Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Richard Jackson, University of Otago
Naya Williams PhD Candidate Clinical Psych, University of Auckland
Dr Dion O'Neale, University of Auckland
Dr Michael O'Sullivan, University of Auckland
Kerry Gibson, University of Auckland
Dr David Welch, University of Auckland
Professor Jacqueline Beggs, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Cate Macinnis-Ng, University of Auckland
Genevieve Fitzjames, University of Auckland
Professor Thegn Ladefoged, University of Auckland
Professor Margaret Stanley, University of Auckland
Professor Alan France, Faculty of Arts University of Auckland
Sean Sturm, University of Auckland
Professor Andrew Jull FCONA, University of Auckland
Shyama Narayan Pagad, University of Auckland/ IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group
Professor Mary Sewell, University of Auckland
Dr Imogen Bassett, Auckland Council
Carina Meares, AUT
Olivia Truax, University of Otago
Dr Suzanne Woodward, University of Auckland
Ruth Cink, University of Auckland
Professor Dimitris Margaritis, University of Auckland
Professor Jan Lindsay, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland  
Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva, University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Avril Bell, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Nicola Gaston, University of Auckland
Dr Andi Crawford, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Rebecca Priestley CRSNZ, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Frédérique Vanholsbeeck, University of Auckland
Dr David Hall, School of Social Sciences and Public Policy, AUT University
Professor Gillian Lewis, University of Auckland
Dr Shane Wright, University of Auckland
Jessica Terruhn, University of Waikato
Kalika Kastein, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago
Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS)
Natalie Plank, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Bevan Weir, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Hannah Buckley, Auckland University of Technology
Associate Professor Angela Wanhalla (Kāi Tahu), University of Otago
Dr Joseph Zizek, University of Auckland
Professor Peter Shepherd FRSNZ, University of Auckland
Dr Hannah Read, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Natalie Peart, Faculty of Science University of Auckland  
Dr Stephen Hill, Massey University
Professor Julia Horsfield, University of Otago
Dr Anna Ponnampalam, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Jay Marlowe, University of Auckland
Dr Jin Russell, University of Auckland
Professor Iain White, University of Waikato
Dr Ganesh Nana, Productivity Commission Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa
Dr Trudie Cain, Massey University
Associate Professor Barbara Grant, University of Auckland
Daniel Kelly, University of Auckland
Mark Quigley, University of Melbourne
Hamish Noonan, University of Waikato
Dr Sarah-Jane O'Connor, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Daniel Collins, Lincoln University
Dr Huub Kerckhoffs, StartAfresh, Mt Maunganui
Hanareia Ehau-Taumaunu, The Pennsylvania State University
Dr Erin Harrington, University of Canterbury Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Dr Valance Smith, AUT
Dr Andrew Dickson, Massey University
Dr Shari Gallop, University of Waikato
Dr Jonathan Marshall, Massey University
Dr. Julie Spray, School of Population Health, University of Auckland
Dr David Pattemore, University of Auckland
Sam Smith, University of Auckland
Dr Lucy Stewart, Toha Science
Associate Professor M R. X. Dentith, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus)
Dr Anna Santure, University of Auckland
Dr Benjamin Dickson, University of Auckland
Dr Bart Janssen, The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research
Mark Rickerby, School of Product Design, University of Canterbury
Lucy Kaiser, Massey University, GNS Science
Dr Lorna Strachan, University of Auckland
Dr Sharon Bell, Independent researcher
Dr Stephanie Borrelle, Birdlife Pacific
Anna Burgin, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago
Associate Professor Yvonne Underhill-Sem, Pacific Studies, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland
Professor Troy Baisden, University of Waikato
Nabilah Husna Binte Abdul Rahman, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Luke Goode, University of Auckland
Rebekah Jaung, University of Auckland
Dr. Nazmun N. Ratna, Lincoln University
Dr Raven Cretney, University of Waikato
Dr Maja Zonjić, Te Herenga Waka / Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Aileen Collier, Flinders University of South Australia
Dr Hilda Te Pania-Hemopo, University of Auckland
Fiona Grattan, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Catherine Qualtrough, University of Auckland
Luis Ortiz-Catedral, Massey University
Dr Emily Harvey, University of Auckland
Dr Anna Matheson, School of Health, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Matheson Russell, University of Auckland
Dr Heather Battles, University of Auckland
Dr Kirsty Wild, University of Auckland
Luqman Hayes, Auckland University of Technology
Paul Taillon, University of Auckland
Dr Sandra Velarde, Te Pūnaha Matatini
Anna Fergusson, University of Auckland
Kayli Taylor, University of Otago
Oliver Birch, University of Auckland
Dr Charlotte Moore, University of Auckland
Dr Finnigan Illsley-Kemp, Victoria University of Wellington
Patrick Girard, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr Rosie Dobson, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Marama Muru-Lanning, University of Auckland
Professor Peter Adams, University of Auckland
Alistair Knott, University of Otago
RItesh Shah, University of Auckland
Reremoana Theodore, University of Otago
Tina Ngata, Independent researcher
Vanessa  Young, MacDiarmid Institute
Sereana Naepi, University of Auckland
Dr Jamie Hosking, University of Auckland
Kirsten Zemke, University of Auckland
Dr Sarah Gerritsen, University of Auckland
Professor James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington
Sean Richards, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Rochelle Constantine, University of Auckland - Waipapa Taumata Rau
Keoni Mahelona, MSc Physics, BSc Engineering, Fulbright Scholar Te Hiku Media
Dr Thomas Gregory, Politics and International Relations, University of Auckland
Nicola Paton, University of Auckland
Dr Faasisila Savila, University of Auckland
Professor Michael Plank, University of Canterbury
Judith McCool, University of Auckland
Mandy Henk, Tohatoha Aotearoa Commons
Dr Brendan Moyle, Massey University - Ngāti Kahungunu
Prof Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury
Jonathan Burgess, University of Auckland
Dr Pierre Roudier, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Dr Emilie Vallee, Massey University
Bruce Kidd, University of Auckland
Dr Pauline Dawson, University of Otago
Andrew Veale, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Dr Sarah Ward, University of Otago
Dani Pickering, Te Herenga Waka  / Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Sylvia Nissen, Lincoln University
Associate Professor Stephanie Hughes, University of Otago
Dr Kane Meissel, Waipapa Taumata Rau / The University of Auckland
Dr. Kelly Garton, University of Auckland
Dr Rebecca Kiddle, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Pare Keiha, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Dylan Brown, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Emmi Bevensee, SMAT / Tohatoha
Rob Elshire, President, Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand
Max Soar, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Greer Gilmer, University of Otago
Dr Zoë Raos, Waitematā DHB. NZ Society of Gastroenterology (President)
And Pasley, University of Auckland
Anjuli Muller
Neelum Patel, Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Brooke Tohiariki, University of Otago
Ross Palethorpe, Te Aho o te Kura Pounamu
Edward Abraham, Dragonfly Data Science
Dr Callie Vandewiele, Auckland
Professor Jim Mann CNZM FRSNZ, University of Otago
Nicole Geluk-Le Gros, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Hamish Osborne, University of Otago
Dr. Mark Silby, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Dr Stella Pennell, Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Joanna Kidman, Victoria University of Wellington
Nicholas Drake (Ngāi Tahu), PhD student, Australian National University
Dr Khoon Lim, University of Otago
Nicholas Kirk, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Dr David Lines, University of Auckland
David Wither, University of Otago
Dr. A.L. Carter, Tulane University, U.S.
Dr Kristal Cain, University of Auckland
Max Harris, University of Oxford
Una Ren, ESR
Boyd Broughton, The University of Melbourne
Pippa McKelvie-Sebileau, PhD Candidate, University of Auckland
Dr Leilani Walker, Auckland Museum
Professor Cliona Ni Mhurchu, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Janine Wiles, University of Auckland
Dr Ben Curran, University of Auckland
Alejandra Jaramillo, The University of Auckland
Dr Murray Cadzow, University of Otago
Dr Aleisha Ward, Independent researcher
Dr Catherine Caudwell, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Amanda Kvalsvig, University of Otago Wellington
Gabby O’Connor, University of Auckland
Dr Élodie Desroziers, University of Otago
Dr Maibritt Pedersen Zari, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Ciara Lee, University of Otago
Dr Tony Oldham, Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau/AUT
Ellen Hume, University of Auckland
Dr Riz Firestone, Massey University
James Renwick, Victoria University of Wellington
Amanda Phipps-Green, University of Otago
Chelsea Winstanley, Artist in residence Auckland University of Technology
Associate Professor Nikki Hessell, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Elissa Cameron, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha - University of Canterbury
Dr Fiona Miles, Auckland University
Lovely Dizon, University of Auckland
Professor Gillian Whalley, University of Otago
Dr Julian King, Public policy consultant
Dr. Alana Alexander, University of Otago
Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel, University of Otago.
Professor Janet Hoek, University of Otago
Raewyn Ngaamo, University of Waikato
Associate Professor Tim Tenbensel, University of Auckland
Dr Monique Jonas, University of Auckland
Dr Katharina Ruckstuhl, University of Otago
Salene Schloffel-Armstrong, PhD Candidate, University of Auckland
Dr Debbie Wilson (DHSc), Ministry of Health
Jacinta Fa'alili-Fidow, Moana Research
Dr Fiona Hutton, Associate Professor, Institute of criminology, Victoria University
Dr Ofa Dewes, University of Auckland
Dr Ian Kusabs, Independent Researcher
Dr Antony Pelosi, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Lisa Warbrick, Indigenous Genomics Institute
Professor Cris Print, University of Auckland
Merryn Gott, University of Auckland, Te Ārai Palliative Care and End of Life Research Group
Saera Chun, University of Otago Wellington
Philipp Neubauer, Dragonfly Data Science
Dr Tony Carusi, Massey University
Nikita Potemkin, University of Otago
Dr Trudie Walters, University of Otago
Dr Jamie-Lee Rahiri, Waitematā District Health Board
Dr Jude Ball, University of Otago
Catherine Griffiths, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Brodie Fraser, University of Otago Wellington
Kay Jones, Graduated B.Sc(Hons) - Te Herenga Waka / Victoria University of Wellington
Emma Lambert, Te Whare Takiura o Manukau
Dr Lynzi Armstrong, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Rebecca Jarvis, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Emily Gill, The University of Auckland
Professor Vicky A Cameron, University of Otago, Christchurch
Dr Hannah Hopewell, Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Rosalina Richards, University of Otago
Dan Scudder, Victoria University of Wellington
Inaya Clark (Kāi Tahu), Student, Te Herenga a Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Thomasin Lynch, Massey University
Professor Cris Print, University of Auckland
Dr Kieran Ford, University of Otago
Associate Professor Melinda Webber, University of Auckland
Richard Pamatatau, AUT University
Professor Papaarangi Reid, Te Kupenga Hauora Māori, FMHS, University of Auckland
Dr Fraser Morgan, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Liam Martin, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Janine Paynter, The University of Auckland
Dr Tim Curran, Lincoln University
Associate Professor Lisa Te Morenga, Massey University
Dr Anna Pilbrow, University of Otago, Christchurch
Dr. Jacob Otter, RIMU, Auckland Council
Dr Pip Adam, Te Herenga Waka / Victoria University of Wellington
Bruno Marques, Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Luke Wilson, University of Otago
Professor Katrina Sharples, University of Otago
Danielle Charlton, GNS Science
Edward Randal, University of Otago, Wellington
Brogan McGreal, Plant and Food Research & University of Auckland
Professor Alexei Drummond, FRSNZ, University of Auckland
Dr Aimee B. Simpson, University of Auckland
Fern Smith, University of Auckland
Shayne Rasmussen, Auckland University of Technology
Veranoa Hetet QSM, The Hetet School of Maori Art
Professor Stephen MacDonell, Auckland University of Technology and the University of Otago
Dr Vanessa Selak, University of Auckland
Chris McBride, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Richard Blaikie, University of Otago
Tahu Kukutai, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Jacqueline Braid, Massey University Te Kunenga Ki Pūrehuroa
Mara Davis, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka
Professor Rachael Taylor, University of Otago
Kath Large, Dragonfly Data Science
Dr Lucy Telfar Barnard, University of Otago
Grace Latimer, Otago University
Dr Priyanka Dhopade, University of Auckland
Dr Natalie Forsdick, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Dr George Parker, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Jessica Young, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Helen Eyles, University of Auckland
Michelle O'Toole, La Trobe University
Dr Yvan Richard, Dragonfly Data Science
Dr Bridget Conor, King's College London
Maryrose Houston, Ngāti Kurī
Dr Jesse Goodman, University of Auckland
Dr Molly Mullen, University of Auckland
Scott Pilkington, University of Auckland
Mat Walton, ESR
Ariane Craig-Smith, MA, The Kauri Project
Josiah Tualamali'i, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / UC
Assoc. Professor Kura Paul-Burke, University of Waikato
Dr Finlay Thompson, Dragonfly Data Science
Fiona Tyson, University of Canterbury
Karanama Ruru, Craccum Magazine/95bFM
Dr Paula Toko King, University of Otago
Professor Christina Hulbe, University of Otago
Kylie Stewart, Freelance science communicator
Dr Hinekura Smith, Nga Wai a Te Tui Māori Research Centre, UNITEC
Dr. Jacoba Matapo, The University of Auckland
Professor Michelle Thompson-Fawcett, University of Otago
Robert Hogg, Auckland University of Technology
Associate Professor Ricardo Sosa, Auckland University of Technology
Silke Morrison, University of Otago
Professor Chris Cunningham, Massey University
Andrew Lynch, University of Auckland
Adèle Dutilloy, Independent
Associate Professor Claire Postlethwaite, University of Auckland
Dr Mark Stewart, Formerly University of Auckland
Dr Lesley Pitt, Open Polytechnic
Deborah Te Kawa, University of Canterbury
Dr Melandri Vlok, University of Otago
Jeremy Moses, University of Canterbury
Kevin Veale, Massey University
Dr Kate Yang, University of Auckland
Ilze Ziedins, University of Auckland
Christopher Horvat, Brown University
Dr Victoria Egli, The University of Auckland
Dr Matthew Wynyard, Massey University
Professor Francis Collins, University of Waikato
Jasmin Taylor
Dr Jennifer Randle, University of Otago
Jasmine Anderson-Baldwin, University of Auckland
Maria Rodgers, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Donia Macartney-Coxson, ESR
Te Ataraiti Waretini, Mātauranga Māori raised
Professor Lisa Grocott, Monash University
Cheryl mitchell, EdD student Waikato University
Ashleigh Barrett-Young, University of Otago
Dr Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, Independent Researcher
Professor Tava Olsen, University of Auckland
Tiria Pehi, University of Otago
Marnie Reinfelds, PhD candidate - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Rachael McLean, University of Otago
John Richardson, PhD Candidate, University of Canterbury
Marianne Grbin, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Katie Wilson, Curtin University
Dr Rosser Johnson, Auckland University of Technology
Arnaud Valcarcel, UoOtago/NIWA
Dr Christina Hanna, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Miles Benton, ESR
Denise Carter-Bennett, Unitec Institute of Technology
Dr. Christina Riesselman, University of Otago
Urs Daellenbach, Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington
Simon Kingham, University of Canterbury
Janet Pearson, University of Auckland
Prof Sue Crengle, University of Otago
Nick Thompson, University of Auckland
Johanna Knox, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Thomas Loan, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Camilla Karehana, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Caitlan Butler, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Collin Tukuitonga, University of Auckland
Esther Fitzpatrick, The University of Auckland
Michelle LaRue, University of Canterbury
Libby Grant, University of Otago, Wellington
Morgane Merien, The University of Auckland
Heather Hendrickson, Massey University
Assoc. Prof. Stephen Hartley, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Suliasi Vunibola, University of Canterbury
Mark Dansey, Self employed
Dr Kate Pedley, University of Canterbury
Professor Jane Kelsey, University of Auckland
Dr Anna Win-Mason, Wellington
Dr Rebekah Graham, Independent Researcher
Dr Anna Hood, University of Auckland
Dr Marta Guerra, University of Otago
Aimee Matiu, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Associate Professor Peter Bellingham, University of Auckland
Dr Kimiora Henare, Waipapa Taumata Rau (The University of Auckland)
Allana Goldsmith, University of Auckland
Dr Elizabeth Holt, University of Auckland
Dr Joep de Ligt, ESR
Dr Suzanne Miller, Otago Polytechnic
Cihat Sahinkaya, University of Auckland
Craig Stevens, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Melody Smith, University of Auckland
Dr Lorena Gibson, Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington
Peyton Bond, University of Otago
Sharla McTavish, University of Otago, Wellington
Dr Mahmood Hikmet, Ohmio
Associate Professor Catherine Reid, University of Canterbury
Dr Alma Rae FRANZCP MBHL, Locum Consultant Psychiatrist
Jacqueline Young, Monash University
Tom Saunders, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Siân Halcrow, University of Otago
Jefferson Dew, University of Otago
Professor Heather Galbraith, Toi Rauwhārangi/ College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Dr Lisa Watson, University of Auckland
Dr Billie Lythberg, Waipapa Taumata Rau — The University of Auckland
Dr. Lisa Darragh, University of Auckland
Dr Maj Padamsee, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Associate Professor Alex Macmillan, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago
Lenore Tahara-Eckl, University of Auckland
Dr Dafni Anastasiadi, Plant and Food Research
Nicholas Rowe, University of Auckland
Professor Karen Witten, Massey University
Dr Shelley MacDonell, Visiting Fellow
Associate Professor Terry (Theresa) Fleming, School of Health, Victoria University of Wellington
Dee Ninis, Seismology Research Centre
Dr Emma Sharp, University of Auckland
Simran Saini, University of Auckland (student)
Lee-Anne Tatana, Massey University Student
Sarah Killick, University of Auckland
Peter Mace, University of Otago
Sophie Jerram, University of Auckland
Katrina McGarr, University of Canterbury
Dylan Horrocks, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
Pauls Davis, University of Auckland
Dr. Angela Curl, University of Otago
Gabriella Foreman, Research Assistant, University of Auckland
Dr Marcia Leenen-Young, University of Auckland
Bryony Smart, The University of Auckland
Lindsey Te Ata o Tu MacDonald, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Dr Michele Bannister, University of Canterbury
Lindsey Conrow, University of Canterbury
Lauren Black, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Ramon Gallego, Postdoc, University of Auckland Alumni
Dr Joanne Simons, University of Auckland
Kirsten Locke, University of Auckland
Victoria Louise Smith, University of Auckland
Jean M Uasike Allen, Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Dr Odette Shaw, The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research
Dr Sam Manuela, University of Auckland
Professor John Oetzel, University of Waikato
Amber Peek, University of Auckland
Adjunct Professor Deborah Jones, Te Herenga Waka
Dr Marie McEntee,, University of Auckland
Prof. Paul Kruger, University of Canterbury
Kate Nolan, Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho New Zealand's Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Channell Thoms, University of Canterbury
Dr Kimberley O'Sullivan, University of Otago, Wellington
Associate Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie, University of Otago
Dr Peter J Keegan, University of Auckland
Logan Hamley, University of Auckland
Dr Catherine Crofts, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Kim Mellor, University of Auckland
Dr Morten Gjerde, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka
Dr Oliver Klozoff, University of Groningen
Professor Adrian McDonald, University of Canterbury
Dr. Carolyn Morris, Massey University
Tamara Anderson, School of Psychology, University of Auckland
Associate professor Amanda Black, Lincoln University
Dr Paul Hessian, University of Otago
Professor Taima Moeke-Pickering, Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Sy Taffel, Massey University
Simrin Ahmed, University of Auckland
Professor Sandy O'Sullivan, Macquarie University
Lisa Wong, Manaaki Mānawa, University of Auckland
Dr Jess Hillman, GNS Science
Sarah Kessans, University of Canterbury
Shaun McNeil, Global Mental Health Peer Network
Dan Murroni, MiraCosta College
Prof. Justin Hodgkiss, Victoria University of Wellington
Jo Henson, Leanthinker Consultancy
Dr Maree Sheehan, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Cameron Wells, The University of Auckland
Associate Professor Terryann Clark, School of Nursing, University of Auckland
Dr Bruce Cohen, University of Auckland
Dr Rosi Crane, Honorary Curator History of Science, Otago Museum
Danielle Kirby, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Sharon Pattison, University of Otago
Dr Andy Howell, University of Canterbury, GNS Science
Dr. Bev James, Public Policy & Research
Vinay Patel, University of Otago
Dr Robin Cronin, University of Auckland
Dr Kay Saville-Smith, MNZM, Centre for Research, Evaluation & Social Assessment (CRESA)
Emeritus Professor Khyla Russell ( retired), Otago Polytech
Hoana Pearson, Te Akatea Maori Principals - MACS
Karaitiana Taiuru, Otago University/Indigenous Genomics Institute
Dr James Brock, The University of Auckland
Andrea Bubendorfer, Callaghan Innovation
Elsie Dunkley, PhD candidate Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Hemopereki Simon, Charles Sturt University and University of Otago
Dr Sarah-Jane Paine, Te Kupenga Hauora Māori, Waipapa Taumata Rau - The University of Auckland
Dr Stephen Jacobs, The University of Auckland
Associate Professor Allen Bartley, Faculty of Education & Social Work, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Jacquie Kidd, Auckland University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Melanie Beres, University of Otago
Dr Atakohu Middleton, School of Communication Studies, AUT
Prof. David L. Wiltshire, University of Canterbury
Kate Turner, NIWA
Sian Robyns, Victoria University of Wellington
S E Martinez, CSULB
Dr Barry Hughes, University of Auckland
Professor Matthew Wilson, University of Canterbury
Dr Russell Prince, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University
Associate Professor Anne Galloway, Victoria University of Wellington
Barbara Staniforth, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr Robyn Manuel, Mauri Oho Mauri Ora Ltd
Professor Ben Kennedy, University of Canterbury
Eli Herring, Victoria University of Wellington, Te Herenga Waka
Emeritus Professor, Ruth Bonita Beaglehole, University of Auckland
Kahurangi Dey, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University Wellington
Dr. Anand Rampadarath, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Dr Ailsa Haxell, School of Public Health and Interdisciplinary Studies, AUT
Dr Meagan Barclay, University of Auckland
Dr Chrissie Painting, University of Waikato
Dr Aisling Gallagher, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University
Dr Tasneem-Summer Khan, Waikato Tainui
Jennifer Palmer, University of Otago
Lisa Vonk, PhD Candidate, Massey University
Paige Matheson, University of Waikato
Larissa Cleave, Bachelor’s degree from The University of Auckland
Associate Professor Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, The University of Auckland
James Tapp, AUT
Dr Julie Trafford, Auckland University of Technology
Professor Michael Winikoff, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Richard Edlin, University of Auckland
Te Mihinga Komene, The Mind Lab
Dr Julija Sardelic, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Marian Evans, Independent Researcher
Dr Daniel Wilson, Faculty of Science, Waipapa Taumata Rau / UoA
Rami Mandow,
André Alessi, University of Auckland
Erin Burrell, PhD Researcher, Massey University
Dr Cheryl Ware, University of Auckland
Professor Nicola Dalbeth FRSNZ, University of Auckland
Dr Will Flavell, Henderson Massey Local Board
Aidan Kelly, University of Auckland
Dr Bennet McComish, University of Tasmania
Jacinta O'Reilly MEd
Dr Lynne Russell, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria Univeraity of Wellington
Cherie McAllister, Massey University
Dr Saman Moeed, Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
Dr Phil Ross, University of Waikato
Te Kawa Robb, Māori Researcher, Mātauranga Māori Educator
Dr Alvina Edwards, taongaUku report writer
Kate McKegg, Evaluation and research consultant
Liz Turle-Smith, Auckland University of Technology
Rebecca Williams, Master of Health Leadership student, Auckland University
Matt Templeton, Plant and Food Research/University of Auckland
Dr. Libby Liggins, Massey University Auckland
Associate Professor Peter Ritchie, Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Katie Fitzpatrick, University of Auckland
Karin Batty, The University of Auckland
Elisabeth Laird, BA/BSc, MUrbPlan, University of Auckland alumni
Hana Ihaka-McLeod, Member of the public, graduate of Te Herenga Waka, Western Institute of Technology and Te Wānanga o Raukawa
Professor Jennifer Weller, University of Auckland
Sophie Fern, Otago University
Paul Ware, University of Auckland
Dr Claire Timperley, Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington
Freya Scott, Victoria University of Wellington/Massey University
Noel Zeng, University of Auckland
Tom FitzGerald, GNS Science | Te Pū Ao
Dr Hilary Dutton, University of Canterbury
Dr. Sarah Leadley, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Bradley Moggridge, University of Canberra
Bonnie-Estelle Trotter-Simons, Te Herenga Waka / Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Jeffery Adams, Massey University
Dale-Maree Morgan, Independant Māori Development Advisor
Stephanie Stuteley, University of Auckland
Dr Brian Marsh, University of Auckland
Professor Cather Simpson, The University of Auckland
Raewyn Krivan, Lay person
Jacob Peter Kia Ngaha, PhD Student, University of Auckland
Leticia Joesphine Ngoi Vizor, University of Auckland
Dr Bronwyn Labrum, Whanganui Regional Museum
Dr Rachel Nicholls, NZ Cancer Society
Hilary Baird, University of Auckland.
Fleur Templeton, Healthier Lives − He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge
Professor Barry Taylor, University of Otago
Whetu Paitai, Piki Studios
Dr Alison Watkins, University of Canterbury
Will Dreyer, Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Campbell Jones, University of Auckland
Dr Cristina Cleghorn, Department of public health, University of Otago, Wellington
Associate Professor Miro Erkintalo, The University of Auckland
Dr Suneela Mehta, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Auckland
Emma Vincent, University of Auckland
Jane Hinkley (MSCW (Applied)), Registered Social Worker
Dr. Ali Hill, University of Otago
Dr Peter Morrison-Whittle, The New Zealand Institute of Plant & Food Research
Alexandria Leonard, The New Zealand Institute of Plant & Food Research - Rangahau Ahumāra Kai
Ingrid Mason, Australian National University
Dr Emily Lane, NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi
Dr. Torjer A. Olsen, Academic Director, The Center for Sámi Studies, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Edin Whitehead, The University of Auckland
Dr Tobias Egli, Medical Consulting New Zealand
Tracy Scarrott, University of Canterbury
Assoc Prof Michael Donn, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Patrick Flamm, Victoria University of Wellington
Richard Neill, MD, Associate Professor (Ret) University of Pennsylvania
David Aguirre, Massey University Auckland
Kim Ashton, Waipapa Taumata Rau — The University of Auckland
Steven Galbraith, University of Auckland
Dr Moeata Keil, University of Auckland
Sophie Wong, University of Auckland
Noah Appleby, The University of Auckland
Professor Michael Witbrock, Strong AI Lab, AION, The University of Auckland
Melanie Millier, University of Otago
Adam Weir, Head of Social Sciences, Wainuiomata High School
Fenella Deans, University of Otago/NIWA
Helen Moewaka Barnes, Professor, Massey University
Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman, University of Otago, Wellington
Professor Chris Brickell, University of Otago
Dr Kate Prendergast, University of Canterbury
Claire Benson, Lay person
Joanne Waitoa, Independent Researcher
Robyn Gibson, University of Auckland
Professor Lachy Paterson, University of Otago
Dr Thomas Trnski, Tamaaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Dr Nic Rawlence, Department of Zoology, University of Otago
M. Fabiana Kubke, Biologist
Dr Claire Meehan, University of Auckland
Dr Sue Adams, University of Auckland
Prof Elizabeth Stanley, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Mohamed Alansari, New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Dr Kate Lee, University of Auckland
Dr Samantha Keene, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Judith McAra Couper, Auckland University of Technology
Professor James Dale, Massey University
Joanna Hikaka, University of Auckland
David Eccles, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Dr Rebecca Lawton, University of Waikato
Claudia Gonzales Pino
Áine Kelly-Costello, Alumna, University of Auckland
Dr Pascale Hatcher, University of Canterbury
David Tuipulotu-Tuinukuafe, PhD Candidate Theology, University of Auckland
Chisomo Kalinga, University of Edinburgh
Allison Edwards, Monash University
Professor Liz Beddoe, University of Auckland
Caitlin Burke-Govey, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Nicola Kayes, Auckland University of Technology
Georgia Carson, Malaghan Institute Of Medical Research
Alexander FW Smith, University of Auckland
Dr Rachelle Martin, University of Otago | Burwood Academy Trust
Elle Henderson, Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Dr Vidu Sudosayans, University of Sydney
Dr Jill Hayhurst, Otago Polytechnic
Mishael Coulter, Ngāti Pūkenga, Te Rarawa
Dr Rāwiri Keenan, Senior Research Fellow - University of Waikato
Dr Gabriela Roldan, University of Canterbury
Dr David Pomeroy, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury
Andrea Byrom, Independent environmental researcher
Katrina Mairia Reedy, Nga Tauira Māori o Mua - 1987-89 Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau
Dr Vivian Fu, Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
Dr Kate Stevens, University of Waikato
Dr Katie Collins, The Natural History Museum, London
Tori Diamond, The University of Auckland
Dr Rebecca McLean, University of Otago
Joshua Brian, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge, UK
Megan Wilson, University of Otago
Ayushi Nayak, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany
Associate Professor George Thomson, University of Otago, Wellington
Andreea S. Calude, University of Waikato
Dr. Amy Cardinal Christianson, Canadian Forest Service
Amber Bohanna, Victoria University Wellington
Lois Gregory, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Mairead de Roiste, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Ang McGaughran, University of Waikato
Kumara Republic
Leonie John, University of Cologne
Professor Christine Rubie-Davies, The University of Auckland
Ngaire Rae, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Alice Te Punga Somerville, University of Waikato
Dr Sandeep Bakshi, Université de Paris, France
Professor Mohan J. Dutta, Massey University
Hayley McGlashan, The University of Auckland
Emily Cook-Lundgren, University of Edinburgh
Adjunct Professor Chris Eichbaum, School of Government Victoria University of Wellington/Te Herenga Waka
James Halcrow, University of Auckland
Ngā Tāne Manahia Jordan, University of Auckland
Dr Joe Gallaher, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Angus McMorland, University of Auckland
Dr Lisa Uperesa, University of Auckland
Andrea LaMarre, Massey University
Associate Professor Barry Milne, University of Auckland
Professor Cathy Stinear, University of Auckland
Dr Paul Huggan, University of Auckland
Juliet Nelson, University of Canterbury
Sarah Sharp, University of Aberdeen
Zulfiqar Ali, Dow Medical College Karachi, Sindh
Associate Professor Sara Tolbert, University of Canterbury
Dr Jesse Whitehead, University of Auckland, University of Waikato
Dr Yvonne Crichton-Hill, University of Canterbury
Dr David Friggens, Infometrics Ltd
Dr William Kelton, University of Waikato
Te Awanui Reeder, Big River Creative
Lakshmi A. Dave, Independent researcher
Dr Joanna Fountain, Lincoln University
Dr Alison Green, Te Whariki Takapou
Dr Adele Jackson, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Julie Rowland, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Siobhain McGehan, Massey University
Irene Middleton, Massey University
Whetuu Nathan, University of Auckland
Alex Chellew, University of Auckland, Science Student
Dr Leon Salter, Massey University
Dr Alice Mills, University of Auckland
Dr Jessica Costa, Member of public
Dr Felicity Bright, Auckland University of Technology
Jahla Lawrence, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
A/Prof Tammy Steeves, University of Canterbury
Assoc Prof Cheryl Brown, University of Canterbury
Oliver Maclaren, University of Auckland
Vinod Pavarala, University of Hyderabad
Yana David, University of Auckland, Student
Matthew Scobie, University of Canterbury
Billy van Uitregt, Te Herenga Waka
Sandra Yellowhorse, PhD Candidate, Te Puna Wānanga, University of Auckland
Nina de Jong, University of Auckland
Assoc. Prof. Ian Duggan, The University of Waikato
Rachel Webb, University of Auckland
Matthew Bennion, University of Waikato
Lee Rowe, Knowledge & Information Services Manager, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Ltd
David Paligora, Honours Student, University of Auckland
Dr Ake Nicholas, Massey University
Jason Harrison, University of Birmingham geography research student
Sophie Roach, Victoria University of Wellington
Andrew Salisbury, Learning Services Ltd
Dr Ruth De Souza, RMIT University, Melbourne
Samantha White, Lincoln University
Muhammad Hanif, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Ella Henry, Auckland University of Technology
Muhammad Hanif, University of Auckland
Stephen Croucher, Massey University
Associate Professor Beth Greener, Massey University
Dr Cat Mitchell, Ngā Wai a Te Tūī, Unitec New Zealand
Dr. Debalina Dutta, Massey University
Dr Sam Passmore, Keio University
James Gates, Auckland Girls Grammar School
Dr Maebh Long, University of Waikato
Kyle Matthews, University of Otago
Associate Professor David Orlovich, University of Otago
Ashley McGarry, University of Auckland
Dr Caroline Blyth, University of Auckland
Dr Eleanor Ridge, Massey University
Devina Sarwatay, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad, India
David warren, University of Otago
Laura Quin (MSc), Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Marama Salsano, University of Waikato
Dr Faith Welch, Waipapa Tamata Rau - University of Auckland
Melissa-Jade Gregan, University of Auckland
Dr James Burford, La Trobe University
Dr Catherine Collins, University of Otago
Associate Professor Dan Blanchon, Unitec Institute of Technology
Sarah Howell, Massey University
Junaid Hilal, School of Management, Massey University
Mavis Duncanson, University of Otago
Dr Polona Le Quesne Stabej, University of Auckland
Prof. Debashish Munshi, University of Waikato
Dr Jessica Costall, UCOL
Laurie Winkless, Independent researcher & science journalist
Prof. Priya Kurian, University of Waikato
Dr Emily Duncan, Prospect Park Productions NZ
Luke Fitzmaurice, Otago University
Dr Greg Bond, General Practitioner
Dr. Tara McLaughlin, Massey University
Natasha Bramwell, Massey University
Julie Sickmann,, Massey University
Sean McWilliams, John Paul College, Rotorua
Dr Madhavi Manchi, University of Auckland
Colin Brown, University of Otago
Elizabeth Dewes Barnao, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Courtney Steele, University of Otago
Associate Professor Lisa King, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Mohummad Kamrul Hassan, PhD, Women's Environment and Development Organization
Dr Zack Dorner, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato
Dr. Cat Pausé, Massey University
Prof Yvette Tinsley, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Nisha Thapliyal, University of Newcastle
Adjunct Professor Howard Larsen, Victoria University of Wellington
Haane Ngatai, Ngati Whakaue, FENZ
Nora Parore, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Joe Potter, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Rhys Jones, University of Auckland
Dr Giovanni Tiso, Overland Journal
Dr Jessica Hendy, University of York
Professor Jacinta Ruru FRSNZ, University of Otago
Dr. Sarah Flanagan, University of Canterbury
Professor Jim McAloon, VUW
Keziah D'Souza, University of Auckland
DeAnne Brabant, Associate Teaching Fellow CERGOSH, Massey University.
Kate Harder, Environmental & Animal Sciences, Unitec Institute of Technology
Dr Madeline Gee, University of Otago
Wednesday Davis, MSc Student, University of Auckland
Bethany Park, University of Auckland
Dr Andrew Chen, University of Auckland
Professor Patricia Priest, University of Otago
Professor Brigid Carroll, University of Auckland
Rachel Lawson, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Roslyn Kerr, Lincoln University
Md Mahbubur Rahman, Massey University
Bee Westenra, Whitireia Community Polytech
Dr. Ellen Kendall, Durham University
Dr Sophia Tsang, University of Auckland
Dr. Olin Silander, Massey University
Juanita Hepi, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Dr Roy Montgomery, Lincoln University
Dr Lisa Zhou, University of Auckland
Nicole Pepperell, University of Waikato
Dr. Ankita Gangotra, Georgetown University
Dr Lloyd Carpenter, Lincoln University
Dr Michael Hendy, Retired
Dr Sarah Borrie, KU Leuven, Belgium
Lesley Gray, University of Otago
Dr Richard O’Rorke, Independent Researcher
Professor Colin Chasi, Unit for Institutional Change and Social Justice, University of the Free State
Tania Bailey, Massey University
Dr Adam Middleton, University of Otago
Dr Kat Lilly, University of Otago
A/Prof Catherine Whitby, Massey University
Dr Sheree Gibb, University of Otago
Nova Paul, Auckland University of Technology
Dr. Carisa Showden, University of Auckland
Dr Tara Pond
Lucinda Kelly, University of Auckland
Dr Karlo Mila, Independent Researcher
Professor Richard Mitchell, Otago Polytechnic
Associate Professor Peter Mataira, Hawaii Pacific University
Orquidea Tamayo Mortera - President, New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapists Incorporated
Tina Porou, Poipoia
Professor Meihana Durie, Massey University
Assoc. Prof. Wolfgang Rack, University of Canterbury
Paul Veltman
Dr Ruth Cunningham, University of Otago
Associate Professor Tamasailau Suaalii-Sauni, University of Auckland
Dr Xiao-Wen Yu, University of Otago, Dunedin
Dr Huw Rowlands, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Ramesh Nair, Independent Researcher
Suzanne Duncan, Te Hiku Media
Dr Karen Lindsay, Auckland City Hospital
Dr Moana Mitchell, NorthTec Tai Tokerau Wānanga
Associate Professor Elana Curtis, University of Auckland
Dr Laura Domigan, University of Auckland
Professor Tom Wilson, University of Canterbury
India Sawyer, University of Otago
Konny Brown, Bioheritage challenge Eco-index
Debbie Larkins, The University of Auckland - Waipapa Taumata Rau
Associate Professor Rachael Rakena, Massey University
Professor Rebecca Sinclair, Massey University
A/Prof Julian Buchanan (retired), Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Nicholas Ling, University of Waikato
Associate Professor Carol Stewart, Massey University
Areta Ranginui Charlton (Masters Student), Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Prof Tracy Riley, Massey University
Christine Sutton, University of Auckland
Heni Wirihana Te Rei, Tumuaki, Te KKM o Te Rito
Dr Adam Grener, Te Herenga Waka -- Victoria University of Wellington
Tania Roxborogh, Lincoln High School
Birgit Bachler, College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Nikki Hurst, New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Dr Katarina Gray-Sharp, Massey University
Sage Anastasi, Canterbury University
Dr Tim Corballis, Centre for Science in Society, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Tim Baice, The University of Auckland
Jan Bebbington, Lancaster University
Dr. Jacqueline Craig, University of Auckland alumna
Associate Professor Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, RMIT, Australia
Associate Professor Marcus Williams, Te Whare Wananga o Wairaka
Louise Kuraia (Ngāpuhi), Te Manatū Hauora
Dr Lawrence May, University of Auckland
Crystal Tawhai, PhD Candidate, University of Waikato
Gemma Aburn, University of Auckland
Vijaya Dharan, Massey University
Dr Hazel Godfrey, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Jade Tamatea, Te Kupenga Hauora Māori & Department of Medicine, FMHS, Waipapa Taumata Rau/UoA
Dr Joanne Hewitt, ESR
Daniel Yeom, PhD candidate, The University of Melbourne
Professor Brigid McNeill, University of Canterbury
Dr Natalie Anderson, School of Nursing, University of Auckland
Dr Jackie Robinson, University of Auckland
Prof. Mark Nesbitt, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Professor Paul Dalziel, Lincoln University
Dr Fiona Beals, Whitireia and WelTec
Abigail McClutchie PhD Candidate, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
Dr Suzette Major, SAE Institute
Vicky Young, University of Waikato
Prof. Greg O’Beirne, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha - University of Canterbury
David Trye, University of Waikato
Eva Ward, University of Strathclyde
Dr Eve Fifield, Starship Hospital
Madina Thiam, University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Monica Tromp, Southern Pacific Archaeological Research, University of Otago
Ashlee Keelan-Orr, University of Auckland
Laura Harvey, Unitec Institute of Technology
Gloria Hinestroza, Waipapa Taumata Rau - The University of Auckland
Dr Brendon Dunphy, School of Biological Sciences, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr Chris Taua, Pumahara Consultants
Aroha Mead, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Dr Clare Browne, University of Waikato
Elise Arnst, Manaaki Whenua / AUT
Professor Julieanna Preston, Massey University
Dr Jacinta Oldehaver, University of Auckland
Erna Stachl, Toi Rauwharangi / College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Dr Tanya Wendt Samu, Faculty of Education & Social Work, University of Auckland
Dr Michelle Levy, Independent Researcher
Professor Margaret Barbour, University of Waikato
Thomas Nash, Massey University
Dr Renee Liang MNZM, University of Auckland
Merimeri Anania, Te Whare Waananga o Waikato, University of Waikato
Dr Andre McLachlan, Waikato Institute of Technology
Vaoala Olivia Blyth, Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland
Dr Claire Gooder, University of Auckland
Markus Gronwald, University of Auckland
Dr Crystal Bennes, Northumbria University
Susan Jacobs, RN, PhD, MNZM, Retired
Dr Lucila Carvalho, Massey University
Hector Kaiwai, Director, Wai Research
Selena Donaldson, The University of Auckland
Dr Emma Hudson-Doyle, Joint Centre for Disaster Research, Massey University
Dr Makere Stewart-Harawira, University of Alberta
Caitlin Ryan, University of Auckland
Dr Helen Dollery, Massey University Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa
Dr Pikihuia Pomare, Massey University
Serena Sarika Lal, Kāinga Ora
Associate Professor Carwyn Jones, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Anna Jackson, Auckland University of Technology
Tatijana Simon-Larsen, Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant, University of Auckland
Dr Peter Nelson, Scientist (Retired)
Dr Hugo Reinert, University of Oslo
Dr Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, University of Queensland
Morgan Godfery, University of Otago
Dr. Sharon McLennan, Massey University
Dr Vincent O'Malley, HistoryWorks
Teariki Tuiono, University of Canterbury
Dr. Brian Ricketts, Retired
Efeso Collins, Auckland Council
Dr Frauke Meyer, The University of Auckland
Rebekah Marshall, University of Otago
Taonga Te Moni, Teaching Assistant, University of Auckland
Dr Annette Bolton, ESR
Catherine Dunphy, Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland
Sakshi, University of Cambridge
Professor Jen Hay, University of Canterbury
Hayley Lord, Kawakawa Group, community psychologist
Dr Melanie McConnell, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Nicky Hambrook, Massey University BSc student
Luana Swindells, Massey University; University of Otago.
Leone Samu Tui, Auckland Museum
Ian Guy, HCN Unit
Christopher Fung, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, UMass Boston
Tracy Haitana, Māori/Indigenous Health Institute (MIHI), University of Otago Christchurch
Nicola Anstice, Flinders University
Dr Denise Taylor, Te Herenga Waka
Professor Emerita Sally J Morgan, Massey University
Darren Powell, University of Auckland
Dr Will Shannon, University of Canterbury
Dr. Jesse Ashton, University of Auckland
Dr Gina Cole, Massey University
Paul Foulkes, University of York
Jack Scanlan, RSW, Doctor of Social Work Candidate, Massey University
Dr Darren Powell, University of Auckland
Lissy Fehnker-Heather, PhD - Massey University
Dr Moritz Lehmann, Xerra Earth Observation Institute
Ozzman Symes-Hull, BABSc student at Te Herenga Waka- Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Filipe França, Lancaster University/ University of Canterbury
Professor Mark John Costello, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland (NZ) and Nord University (Norway)
Suzanne Loughlin, University of Auckland
Aanoalii Rowena Fuluifaga, Unitec Institute of Technology, NZ
Sonya Withers, Nga Pae Mahutonga, Toi Rauwhangi (School of Design, College of Creative Arts) Massey University
Professor Hillary Haldane, Quinnipiac University
Associate Professor Sarah Masters, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha - University of Canterbury
Dr Simon Troon, Monash University
Dr. Heather Young-Leslie, Senior Adviser, Research Development, University of Alberta, Canada
Reupena Tawhai, Massey University/Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Caitlin Helme, intern psychologist, Massey University
Professor C. Kay Weaver, University of Waikato
Dr Rose Black, Community Psychologist. Waikato DHB
Dr Collin Bjork, Massey University
Zhiwei Luo, Plant and Food Research
Violet Chae, University of Auckland
Dr Corrina Connor, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Ekant Veer, University of Canterbury
Dr. Margaret Hinepo Williams, AUT University
Associate Professor Ingrid Horrocks, School of Humanities, Media, and Creative Communication, Massey University
Janet McAllister, Child Poverty Action Group
Kenzi Yee, The University of Auckland
Amanda Denston, University of Canterbury.
Dr Trish Fraser, New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research
Alice McSherry, The University of Auckland
Dr Zoe Stone, Massey University
Dr. Gary L. Kreps, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Irie Schimanski, Intern Psychologist Capital & Coast DHB, Massey University
Dr. Chris North, University of Canterbury
Moana Maniapoto, University of Auckland, Distinguished Alumni
Ray O'Brien, University of Otago
Jordan King, University of Auckland
Dr Diane Menzies, Independent researcher
Jacqueline Paul, Unitec Institute of Technology
Dr. Corinne Seals, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Clemency Montelle, University of Canterbury
Christine Elers, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa - Massey University
M Stent, University of Canterbury
Sherida Davy, associate for community psychology programme, University of Waikato
Professor Tēvita O. Kaʻili, Brigham Young University Hawaiʻi
Gustavo Olivares, NIWA/Taihoro Nukurangi
Stacey Middleditch, Unitec Institute of Technology
Alisha Keshaw, The University of Auckland
Dr. Zachariah McLean, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Broad institute
Nadine Hura, Deep South Challenge
Dr. Luke Fullard, Horizons Regional Council
Ieva Zebryte, Universidad de La Frontera/University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)
Dr Malcolm MacLean, De Montfort University, England/The University of Queensland
Professor Huia Jahnke, Massey University
Tasman Gillies (Kai Tahu), Takiwā Ltd
Elizabeth Wiltshire, M.S. (Stanford University), 2010 Fulbright Scholar
Dr Kirby-Jane Hallum, GNS Science
Joshua James, University of Otago
Dr Allan Cameron, University of Auckland
Dr Suzanne Phibbs, Massey University/Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Blaise Cahill-Lane, Independent Science Communicator
Robert Nelson, DPP Candidate - Otago Polytechnic
Charmin Dahl, Project Dragonfly, Miami University of Ohio
John Pahina, Massey University
Dr Steven Turnbull, University of Auckland
Joe Shaughnessy, University of Cambridge UK
Associate Professor Christine Kenney, Massey University
Siaosi A Ulugia, Manukau Institute of Technology
Associate Professor Rowena Ball, Australian National University
Dr. Roger Kuhn, San Francisco State University
Dr. Margaret Kempton, Independent researcher
Professor Susan Crowther, AUT University, Auckland
Dr Jude Sligo, University of Otago
Trish Veltman, no academic affiliation
Dr. Keziah Wallis, University of the Fraser Valley
Anup Kumar, Cleveland State University
Annabel Gooder, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Dr Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga, Te Herenga Waka Victoria Uni
Connor Mcleod, Massey University
Professor Donna Rose Addis, The University of Auckland & University of Toronto
Srivi Ramasubramanian, Texas A&M University
Dr. Christopher B. Sturdy, University of Alberta
Ahmed Aziz (Ed Amon), University of Auckland (Masters Candidate)
Ambar Basu, University of South Florida
Rose Gell RN Pg.Dip, The University of Auckland
Associate Professor Igelese Ete, Toi Rauwhārangi/College of Creative Arts/Massey University
Fiona Nicoll, University of Alberta
Dr Anna Sutton, Writer
Dr. Rati Kumar, Central Connecticut State University
Sally Mubarak, University of Auckland
Dr Rawiri Waretini-Karena, Tuu Oho Mai Services
Uttaran Dutta, Arizona State University
Reremoana Darlington, Oranga Tamariki
Aoife Finn, Linguist & Data Scientist, Te Hiku Media
Kate McAnelly, University of Otago College of Education
Nicole Gombay, Université de Montréal, ex. University of Canterbury
Professor A.W. Peet, University of Toronto
Srinivas R. Melkote, Bowling Green State University
Professor Julie Cupples, University of Edinburgh (formerly Univ of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington)
Matt Gillett, University of Otago
Professor Paul Whitinui, University of Victoria
Associate Professor Paul Myburgh, National University of Singapore
Associate Professor Rodney Adank, Nga Pae Mahutonga, Toi Rauwhangi (School of Design, College of Creative Arts) Massey University
Prof. T.T Sreekumar, English and Foreign Langauges University, Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor Claire Sinnema, Waipapa Taumata Rau - The University of Auckland
Dr Kannan Ridings (Rongowhakaata), University of Auckland
Associate Professor Annelies Kamp, University of Canterbury
Dr. Jason Hannan, University of Winnipeg
Rosemary Joyce, University of California, Berkeley
Dr Annette Koo, Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand
Dr Alison Jolley, University of Waikato
Erana Walker, The University of Waikato
Dr Nuhisifa Seve-Williams, University of Auckland alumni
Bryan J. McCann, Louisiana State University  
Dr Diana Kopua, Te Kurahuna
Mere Taito, University of Waikato
Aroha Pohatu, Te Whare Wananga o Ngā Pou o Tāwhirimātea
Angus Chapman, UC San Diego
Dr Katey Thom, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Byron Rangiwai, Unitec Institute of Technology
Anna Greaney, Chemistry Teacher,  Aotea College, Porirua
Aleisha Amohia, National Council of Women New Zealand
Dr Tania Fleming, Auckland University of Technology
Dr. Fiona Hurd, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Neville Robertson, Associate of the Major and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato
Jo Smith, University of Auckland
Maiava Leitu Samasei'a, Edgewater College
Aoife Ní Éalaithe, Masters Student School of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland
Professor Karsten Kiewitt, University of Applied Sciences Clara Hoffbauer, Potsdam, Germany
Justine Kingi, Mangere East School
SC Tang, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Sina Cotter Tait, PhD Candidate, University of Canterbury
Prof Nicola Bidwell, International University of Management, Namibia
Hainoame Fulivai, Auckland Council/TechFuture
Philippa Isom, Massey University
Dominic Perry, The University of Auckland
Sarah Kapuhealani Bishop, MSc student, AUT
Dr Vicki Mount, University of Auckland & Goodfellow Unit
Assoc. Prof. Matthew Stott, University of Canterbury
Nadia Summers, Intern Psychologist, PhD Candidate, Psychology, University of Canterbury
Paul Prinsloo (Prof), University of South Africa (Unisa)
Dr Hukarere Valentine, School of Psychology, Massey University
Tuiloma GayleLafaiali’i, Pasifika Education Centre
Associate Professor Ann Brower, University of Canterbury
Mairead Fountain, Otago Polytechnic
Dr Kat Bolstad, Associate Professor, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Emily Beausoleil, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Ann Marie Beals, Wilfrid Laurier University
Alice Loretto, University of Auckland
Ruth Wackrow, University of Waikato
Blair Rogers, Objective Corporation
Nova Moala-Knox, Te Kura Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School
Kate Spill, DClinPsyc candidate, Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Paul Ferris, HOD Science RSHS
Roseanna Gamlen-Greene, University of British Columbia
Vibha Tirumalai, University of Auckland
Paul Brislen, Brislen Communications
Dr Rebecca Downes, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
Arindam Basu, University of Canterbury
Dr Jennifer Gadd, NIWA
Sarah Amira de la Garza, Arizona State University
Dr Rebecca Ann Hobbs
Kalya Ward, Massey University
Dr Kyle Eggleton, University of Auckland
Professor Murray Rae, University of Otago
Prof Ted Zorn, Massey University
Professor Hugh Campbell, University of Otago
Pars Watson, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Allen (doctoral candidate), Massey University Manawatu
Associate Professor Ricci Harris, University of Otago
Shelley Butler, Tātai Angitu, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa/Massey University
Professor Angus McIntosh, University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Mark Masterson, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Darcey Graham, University of Auckland
Liz Skinner, OutreachTeacher, South Auckland
Kaitoa Te Wheoro, AUT
Max Briel, The University of Auckland
Dr Jane Horan, University of Auckland
Stacey Meyer, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato / University of Waikato
Kirsten Malcolm, University of Auckland
Hayley Swan, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Fatima Junaid, Massey University
Dr Aaron Wall, University of Waikato
Dr Nina Scott, Waikato DHB
Katherine Gordon, Consultant
Dr Susann Wiedlitzka, University of Auckland
Dr Huhana Hickey MNZM, MInstD, Pukenga Consultancy LtD
Brian Howard, B Eng U of Canterbury (retired)
Ronald Lutz, University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Dr Jess Berentson -Shaw, The Workshop. University of Auckland
Dr Malia Talakai, Member of Public
Victoria Hawkins, Waipapa Taumata Rau (UoA)
Graham Oliver, Self-Employed
Jessa Barder, Otago Museum
Rachel Kaminsky, AgResearch
Jamie Lynds, University of Otago
Makuini Johnson, University of Waikato
Ian Fookes, University of Auckland
Akuhata Bailey-Winiata, University of Waikato
Matt Woodall, University of Otago
Dr Heather Purdie, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury
Tarryn Ryan, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Bronwyn Houliston, St Mary's College, Ponsonby
Associate Professor Roshini Peiris-John, University of Auckland
Assistant Professor Matthew Cotter, Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College, Japan
Dr Siobhan Tu'akoi, The University of Auckland
Richard Barker, University of Otago
Prof Phillippa Poole, School of Medicine, University of Auckland  
Associate Professor Paula Morris MNZM, University of Auckland
Nicholas Sutton, University of Otago
Frank Wilson, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University
Dr Shane Dye, Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd
Tania Gerrard, GNS Science
Bernadette Calafell, Gonzaga University
Marina Klemm, University of Auckland
Jackie Clark QSM, The Aunties
Dr. Simon Todd, University of California, Santa Barbara
Kiera Tauro, University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Karin Speedy, The University of Adelaide
Dr Susan Wardell , University of Otago
Karaitiana Wilson, Kaiako - tōrua
Dr Sam Hampton, Volcanicked
Julia Maringikura Kerr Campbell, Massey University
Dr. Rae Siilata, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Waipaina Awarau-Morris, AgResearch
Prof Roslyn Kemp, University of Otago
Jordon Lima, University of Otago
Erica DSouza, Liggins Institute
Dr Stephanie Pride, Stratedgy (alumna Victoria University of Wellington, University, University of Oxford)
Allan Henry, Mimic Movement New Zealand
Dr Claude Aguergaray, University of Auckland
Professor Robin Gauld, Otago Business School
Dr Rebecca Bloomer, Plant and Food Research
Natalie Page-Weir, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
Dr Ben Wylie-van Eerd, Callahan Innovation
Annabelle Cranswick, University of Auckland
Frank Mackenzie, University of Auckland
Dr Robin MacDiarmid, Plant and Food Research and University of Auckland
Paul Tupou-Vea, MAPP, NZ Association of Positive Psychology
Dr Genevieve de Pont, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato/University of Waikato
Associate Professor Sara Filoche, University of Otago
Karōria Johns, Kihi Consultancy & CoDesign
Marie Greaney, Librarian (Retired), Lower Hutt
Philippa Nicoll Antipas, PhD candidate, Te Herenga Waka | Victoria, University of Wellington
Monique Hall, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato
Kasia Czarkowska-Guziuk, Massey University
Isaac Te Awa, Curator Mātauranga Māori - Te Papa Tongarewa
Dr David McNabb, Unitec Institute of Technology
Dr Lara Shepherd, Te Papa
Dr Adele Williamson, University of Waikato
Dr Heather Hamerton, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Erin Thomas, University of Auckland
Dr Helen Fitt, Lincoln University
Abby Thiele, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Anita Wreford, Lincoln University
Dr Matt Rayner, Auckland Museum, University of Auckland
Professor Emeritus David V Williams, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland/Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr Sarah Edwards, Lincoln University
Stephen Young, University of Otago
Dr James Berghan, University of Otago
Julia Hope, Toi Rauwharangi / College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Dr Sara Belcher, Victoria University of Wellington
Penny Tayler, MSc University of Auckland alumni
Emma Sadera, University of Auckland
Dr. Ali Rasheed,, UNITEC Institute of Technology
Wang Liao, University of Auckland
Matthew Grant, University of Auckland
Nicholas Bowden, University of Otago
Dr Monica Peters, people+science
Christopher Samson, The University of Auckland
Dr Stephanie D’Souza, The University of Auckland
Professor Suzanne C Purdy CNZM, University of Auckland
Zachariah Hamilton, University of Auckland
Fiona Archer, Christchurch Aunties
Matariki Williams, PhD candidate, Toi Rauwharangi College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Victoria Skeggs, University of Auckland
Dr Denise Neumann, Waipapa Taumata Rau - The University of Auckland
Dr Elisa Lavelle Wijohn, University of Auckland alumnae
Dr Tui Matelau-Doherty, Unitec Institute of Technology
Dr Jemma Geoghegan, University of Otago
Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Dragonfly Data Science
Dr. Nicola Day, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Anja Mizdrak, University of Otago (Wellington)
Nicole Allen, PhD, Utah State University
Associate Professor Mik Black, University of Otago
Erica Farrelly, The University of Auckland
Liana MacDonald, Victoria University of Wellington
Mona-Lisa Wareka, University of Waikato
Dr Tahlia Kingi, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Mengzhu Fu, York University
Janis Arts, N/a
Diana Yukich, Lay person
Dr Marcela Palomino-Schalscha, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Christine Jasoni, CRSNZ, University of Otago
Te Taiawatea Moko-Mead, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Symon Palmer, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Jacob Edmond, University of Otago
Jeremy Bioletti, Barrister
Dr Mythily Meher, Independent researcher
Aria Bannister, University of Auckland
Mia Stewart, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue
Dr. Kiri Joy Wallace, University of Waikato, Environmental Research Institute
Alex Winter-Billington, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia Canada; Te Puna Patiotio Antarctic Research Centre, Te Herenga Waka University of Wellington
Dr Karen Brewer, The University of Auckland
Dyanna Jolly, PhD Candidate, University of Otago
Jenny Green, Plant & Food Research
Dr Greg Leonard, University of Otago
Dr Garth Cant, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury
Dr. Catherine Beltran, University of Otago
Dr Tehnuka Ilanko, University of Waikato
Dr Amanda Inglis, University of Canterbury
Ceridwyn Roberts, Science Communicator
Benjamin Mckie, Victoria University
Isabel Hitchings, University of Canterbury
Waverley Jones, Adaptive Consulting
Jude Smith, MA, independent
Dr Katie Collins, Department of Conservation
Associate Professor Jaquelyne Hughes, Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University, NT, Australia
Herbert Bartley, Toi Rauwhārangi, The College of Creative Art, Massey University
Dr Fiona Langridge, The University of Auckland
Professor Jane Maidment, University of Canterbury
Catherine Kirby, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Dr Mohi Rua, University of Waikato
Zoe Richardson, MSc, Auckland Museum, Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Adrienne Potts, Massey University
Huia Hanlen, Chief Executive, Brainwave Trust Aotearoa
Dr Sasha Calhoun, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Andrew Tobin, Massey University
Albert McLeod, 2-Spirited People of Manitoba Inc.
Dr Sisikula Sisifa, University of Auckland
Dr Andrew Lensen, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Neera Jain, University of Auckland
Dr. Tasileta Teevale, University of Otago
Eleanor Ryan, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Dr Cassandra Mudgway, Auckland University of Technology
Associate Professor Nicola Atwool, University of Otago
Alanna Alevropoulos-Borrill, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Emma Wyeth, Ngāi Tahu Māori Health Research Unit, University of Otago
Christine Brabender, Former staff member, University of Auckland & University of Waikato
Ngaroimata Reid, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr Gareth Terry, Auckland University of Technology
Dr. Putri Fraser, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemistry and Physical Sciences
Dr Jan Wikaira, University of Canterbury
Pearl Hindley, University of Auckland
Kate Rawcliffe, Student
Dr Teah Carlson, Massey University - Whāriki Research Centre
Dr Diana McNeill, Counties Manukau DHB
Dr Jayde Flett
Dr William Harrison, Counties Manukau DHB
Dr. Omoniyi Alimi, University of Waikato
Dr Jordan Waiti, University of Waikato
Yukie Tab, University of Auckland
Wendy Allison, KnowYourStuffNZ
Dr Johnson Witehira, Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa
Georgina Dawson, ESR
Lisa Filitonga, University of Auckland
Michaela Lambert, University of Waikato
John Randal, Professor (Teaching), Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Joanna Hicks, University of Waikato
Associate Professor Darren Gravley, University of Canterbury
Professor Mera Penehira, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Olivia Benton-Guy, Treaty Action Collective Pōneke
Professor Andrew Shelling, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland
Ian Foster, University of Chicago
Mary Farrelly, Tai Tokerau Wananga (Retired)
Freya Newton, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University
Assoc. Prof. Caroline Orchiston, University of Otago
Dr Mick Strack, University of Otago
Cameron Duff, AUT
Gala Morris, University of Auckland
Naomi Manu, Pūhoro STEMM Charitable Trust
Bathsheba Turner, Individual, BCS, DipLIS
Dr Lisa Hamm, University of Auckland
Philip Oliver, PhD Student, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Macquarie University
Tama Kirikiri, Tātai Angitu, Massey University
Dr Jeremy Hapeta, Massey University
June Nicklin, Massey University
Dr Naomi Simmonds, Independent Researcher
Dr Jacqui Todd, Plant & Food Research
Dr Blaine Rakena, Waikato Institute of Technology, Team Manager Centre for Information Technology
Dr Paul'e Ruwhiu, Massey University
Dr Andrea Wallace, University of Exeter
Emma Osborne, University of Otago
Leanne Romana, Massey University
Jessica Tappin, Massey University
Dr Rachel Maunganui Wolfgramm, University of Auckland
Stephanie Lambie, University of Auckland
Dr Andrea Schweer, University of Waikato
Dr Simon Hills, Massey University
Nicole Mincher, Massey University
Associate Professor Ali Seyfoddin, AUT
Dr Sean Waters, Cawthron Institute
Associate Professor Mandy Treagus, University of Adelaide
Peggy Janicki, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia
Dr Andrew Gormley, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Dr Gillian Gibb, Massey University
Dick Whyte, Massey University
Kim Lizama, SPIE
Anna Adcock, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Kay Benseman, Pito Press
Caroline McQuarrie, College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Marjorie Beverland, Massey University
Simone Gabriel, Massey University
Yanika Te Paea Reiter, The University of Waikato
Robin Murphy, PhD Candidate, University of Auckland
Prof. Leonie Pihama, Ngā Wai a te Tūī
Dr Declan McGavin, The University of Melbourne
Dr Huw Richards, University of Waikato
Associate Professor Dr Andy Towers, Massey University
Millie Godfery, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Jason Hallie, Unitec
Professor Ngataiharuru Taepa, Massey University
Dr Veema Lodhia, University of Auckland
Claire Amos, University of Otago
Catherine Bagnall, Massey University
Dr Braden Te Hiwi, University of British Columbia
David Hornblow MHA practitioner, AUT,UOA BHSc PGDip
Dr Polly Yeung, Massey University
Roxanne Waru, Ngā Pou Mana Tangata Whenua Allied Health
Nicola Short, University of Auckland
Teina Tutaki, University of Otago
Jemaima Tiatia-Seath, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland
Dr. Stephanie Tomscha, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Moahuia Goza, CEO Hei Aahuru Moowai Maaori Cancer Leadership
Dr Louise Paton, University of Otago
Dr Greg Gilbert, Massey University
Brett Gartrell, Massey University
Dr Jess Richards, Massey University
Emma Fox, Senior Lecturer, Toi Rauwharangi - College of Creative Arts, Massey University
David Tappin, Massey University
Professor Mick Roberts FRSNZ, Massey University
Rev Chris Sullivan, Catholic deacon.
Jessica Chubb, Massey University
Louise Humpage, University of Auckland
Georgina Stokes, Massey University
Veena Modersohn, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Kura Te Waru-Rewiri, Massey University
Dr Nicolas Fauchereau, NIWA
Prof Mike Reid, University of Canterbury
Kenneth Taiapa, Massey University
Sasha Francis, 5ever Books
Professor Robert Jahnke, Massey university
Professor Sally Casswell, Massey University
Theresa Gracie, Dargaville High School
Oleg Kiriaev, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Margaret Forster, Massey University
Jeshneel Singh, Fiji Airlines
Dr Andrew Frost, Ara Institute of Canterbury
Georgina Davis, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia, The University of Auckland
Dr Sarah Christofferson, Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, University of Canterbury
Dr Sarah Butcher, University of Southern Queensland
Emma Benvie-Watson, The University of Auckland
Marc Bennie, Personal
Charlotte Almao, Massey University
Zac Roberts, Macquarie University
Dr Sarah Knowles, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Dr Catherine Koerner, Federation University of Australia, Victoria Au
Tim McCreanor, Massey University
Félicien Filleul, University of Auckland
Nicola Gibbons, University of Canterbury
David Garcia, University of Canterbury
Professor Haxby Abbott, University of Otago Medical School
Dr Pania Te Maro, Te Massey University
Benjamin Ong, University of Otago
Dr Sarah Knight, University of Auckland
Sujatha Gomathinayagam, Tātai Angitu, Massey University
Philip Edgar, Te Papa
Dr Ani Kainamu, NIWA
Geoff Kira, Massey University
Hannah M. Smith, University of Auckland
Dr Patrick Thomsen, University of Auckland
Dr Susannah Stevens, University of Canterbury
Matene Karena, Ngāti Kahumate
Dr Monica Cameron, Massey University
Associate Professor Eileen Britt, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha/University of Canterbury
Jenna Heller, AgResearch, Science Communicator
Dr Christina Hood, Compass Climate / physics PhD
René Devenish, University of Waikato
Joana C Kuntz, University of Canterbury
Devin Mynett, MNurs, Auckland District Health Board
Dr Gianna Leoni, Te Hiku Media
Jessica Hopkins, University of Auckland
Dr Abby Suszko, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Dr Bella Duncan, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Ethan Plaut, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland
Professor Huhana Smith, Toirauwharangi, Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa, Massey University
Nadine Houia-Ashwell, University of Otago
Dr Kapowairua Stephens, University of Otago
A/Prof. Wayne Barrar, Massey University
David Tokiharu Mayeda, University of Auckland
Dr Josie Galbraith, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Assoc. Prof. Philip Steer, Massey University
Dr Ina Te Wiata, Massey University
Professor David Bilkey, University of Otago
Katharina Näswall, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Ryan England, ESR
Lisa McMurray, Aboriginal Carbon Foundation
Meriki Onus, Writer
Abbey Busch, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington (Alumni)
Kirita-Rose Escott, Te Herenga Waka
Christopher Boniface, PhD Candidate, University of Canterbury
Dr Felicity Ware, Massey University
Jen Archer-Martin, Toi Rauwhārangi, College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Dr Katherine Holt, Massey University
Heloise Stevance, University of Aucklands
Dr Rochelle Stewart-Withers, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University
Josh Stewart, Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou// University of Otago
Janne Song, University of Waikato (alumna, Faculty of Education)
Dr Chayce Glass, Northland District Health Board
Dr. Ripi Kaur, University of Auckland
Kate Cook, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Dr Dion Henare, Philipps-University Marburg
Andrea Zorn, Massey University, Auckland
Keu Tearikiaua, Wellington Institute of Technology
Dr Samantha Gardyne, Massey University
Rowan Foley, Aboriginal Carbon Foundation
Nicholas Jones, The University of Auckland
Apisalome Movono, Massey University
Dr Mark McCann, AgResearch Ltd.
Aurelie Laugraud, AgResearch
Rachael Cavanagh, yabulgu
Amy Maslen-Miller, University of Auckland
Hannah White, Macquarie University
Julia Hendon, Gettysburg College
Lisa Rolston, PhD candidate, University of Canterbury
Ann Huggett, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury
Dr Kathryn Askelund, University of Auckland
Adjunct Professor Alan D. Hemmings, University of Canterbury
Dr Matthew Bull, University of Auckland
Assoc Prof Kelly Dombroski, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury
Sally Davenport, Victoria University of Wellington
Trina Baggett, Massey University
Dr Kathryn Taylor, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Faith Kane, Massey University
Dr Mike Joy, Victoria University of Wellington
Alison Wallbutton, Massey University
Colleen De Castro, Massey University
Associate Professor Anna Brown, College of Creative Arts, Toi Rauwhārangi, Massey University
Jordan Anderson, Victoria University of Wellington
Kathy Errington
Dr. Hamish Crocket, University of Waikato
Cheyenne Scown (PhD student), Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Dr. Julie Blommaert, Uppsala University
Dr Zaramasina Clark, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Elizabeth Hibbs, Independent researcher
Priya Chacko, University of Adelaide
Jack Tapsell, Te Whare Wānanga o Õtākou
Dr Monica Koia, Massey University
Findal Proebst, Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce, Lincoln University
Kiingi Hepi, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Dr Alissa Hackett, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
Tracy Mckenzie, University of Auckland
Emma Cherrington, Tangata Whenua, Aotearoa
Dr. Ari Brandenburg, University of Waikato
Kimoro Te Wakaunua Taiepa, University of Auckland
Loma Veatupu, University of Auckland
Holly Walker, Researcher and writer
Luka Leleiga Lim-Cowley, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Mio Akiyama, University of Auckland
Erin Stroud, University of Auckland/Plant and Food Research
Clare Griffin, Nazarbayev University
Rachel Miller, Clinical Nurse Specialist - Southern DHB
AP Nevil Pierse, University of Otago
Professor Jonathan Koea, University of Auckland
Dr Hana Turner-Adams, School of Education, AUT
Associate Professor Maui Hudson, University Of Waikato
Phillip Wilcox, University of Otago
Waka Paul, Rangahau Ahumāra Kai
Te Rina Maze, University of Otago
Victoria Jensen-Lesatele, Whariki Research, Massey University
Dr Joanne Richdale, Te Pou
Neil Birrell, University of Auckland
Dr Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott, University of Otago
Dr Michaela Pettie (Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Maru), Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Meri Haami, Doctoral Candidate - Te Herenga Waka
Dr Liz Martyn, Lincoln University
Associate Professor Greg Holwell, University of Auckland
Courteney Westlake, PhD Candidate, University of Otago
Misha Shamdass, Massey University
Liz Bellis, Massey University/Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Finley Ngarangi Johnson, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Natalie Bird, Communications Advisor, Cawthron Institute
Louis Jardine, Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka
Jay Jayaraman, Plant and Food Research
Kayla Tefono McNeill, Tātai Angitu, Massey University
Associate Professor Fiona Amundse, AUT University
Dr Melissa Cragg, Karake Consultancy
Sarah Nutbrown, Master's student, University of Auckland
Lauren Hemara, University of Auckland
Michael Miller, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Dr Arini Loader, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Wilma Blom, Tamaaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Dr Stephen Clarke, Making History Ltd
Hewett Tai, Kukimonsta
Andrea Watson, Massey University
Professor Travis Glare, Lincoln University
Jude Douglas, Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Anju Gautam, PhD candidate, The University of Auckland
Matthijs Siljee, Massey University Wellington School of Design
Selena Meiklejohn-Whiu, University of Auckland
Ritodhi Chakraborty, Lincoln University
Nick Biggin, Logan Park High School
Courtney Daffurn, University of Auckland
Yvonne Caulfield, Logan Park High School
Dr André Brett, University of Wollongong
Dr Simon Stewart, Cawthron Institute
Dr Sarah Hancock, Independent researcher
Shiobhan Smith, University of Otago
Dr Leonie Walker, Public Health Association /Massey university
Lisa Cherrington, Maori Clinical Psychologist
Emily Sullivan, Paihau - Robinson Research Institute, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Sophie Beaumont, PhD Candidate, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Murray Thompson, Logan Park High School
Maisie Leigh Hamilton Murray, University of Auckland
Dr Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Thomas Adams, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Cornelis Drost, Independant researcher
Emilie Rākete, University of Auckland
Dr Ngaire Hiria Hart, Kaitiaki Creations
Jovan Mokaraka-Harris, University of Otago
Amber Hammill, AUT
Mike Wall, University of Otago
Rebecca MacKenzie, Massey University
James Wafer, Undergraduate in Data Science - Whitireia
Joanna Rusher, Auckland University of Technology
Raewyn Martyn, Toi Rāuwharangi College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Wellington
Mercy Williams, Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland
Emily Gordon, Colorado State University
Satveer Kaur-Gill, National University of Singapore
Dr Juliet Sefton, Tufts University
Dr John P Egan, University of Auckland
Dr Ally Gibson, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Brad Hurren, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Joshua Newton, Massey University
Dr Nav Sidhu, University of Auckland
Professor Emeritus Innes Asher ONZM, University of Auckland
Adam Fletcher 2021 Fellow, Atlantic Fellowship for Social Equity - Melbourne University
Dr Alex Müntz, University of Auckland
Dr Catherine Gilchrist, The University of Auckland
Dr Raewyn Poulsen, University of Auckland
Dr Julian Fuller, Anaesthetist, Waitemata DHB
Professor Math Cuajungco, California State University Fullerton (University of Auckland Alumnus)
Dr Lisa Reynolds, University of Auckland
Jake Parsons, University of Auckland
Edmond Carrucan, Waikato University
Claire Black, University of Auckland alumna
Victoria Envy, Massey University
Dr Alex Ivancevic MBChB MSci RANZCOG DDU Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, WDHB/ADHB, University of Auckland
Billy Alexander-Crawford, University of Otago
Dr Tze Ming Mok, Population Association of New Zealand
Andrew Hill, University of Auckland
Dr Rebecca Gray, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Dineke Schokkin, University of Canterbury
Dr Heywood Jablome, Independent researcher
Dr Michelle Dalrymple, Cashmere High School
Jon Bywater, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland
Dr Kim Yates, Waitematā DHB & University of Auckland
Martina Moroney, Public Policy Institute, University of Auckland
Professor Bev Lawton, Te Herenga Waka
Danielle Hodson, Massey University
Dr Anna Serlachius, University of Auckland
Alexander Ritchie, University of Otago
Shaaroni Leesha Sun Lin Leionaonapoina’ole Wong, University of Cambridge
Helen Parker, Masters Student - Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Dr Mark Graham Lawrence, University of Auckland School of Medicine
Dr Agnes Szabo, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Anne Russell, University of Otago
Professor Warwick Bagg, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland
Patricia Pillay, University of Auckland
Natalie Osborne, Griffith University
Dr Peter Beaver, The University of Auckland
Josie Millar, University of Auckland
Dr Erin O'Donnell, University of Melbourne
Te Umuariki Te Kani, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Cody Rikihana, The University of Auckland
Dr Anne Besson, University of Otago
Matt Higgins, PhD Candidate, University of Otago
Matthew Barrett, University of Auckland
Scott Venning, University of Otago
Richard White, University of Otago
Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University
Professor Verica Rupar, Auckland University of Technology
Jazpah Tata - UoA Kupe Leadership Scholar, The University of Auckland
Dr Neil Price, University of Auckland
Angela Bartolome, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Martin Patrick, Toi Rāuwharangi College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Wellington
Kelly Klink, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Nick Kirkman
Eileen Joy, University of Auckland
Prof. Rosalind Archer, Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
Dr Annabelle Claridge, University of Auckland
Te Pūoho Katene, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Associate Professor Jane Alsweiler, University of Auckland
Dr Dan Hikuroa, Waipapa Taumata Rau - University
Dr Maria Borovnik, Massey University
Dr Julie Wharewera-Mika, Manu Ārahi - Kaupapa Māori Clinical Psychology & Research Consultancy
Chiara Gasteiger, University of Auckland
Professor Rachel Zajac, University of Otago
Dr Chad Sexington, University of Houston
Dr Sandra Hotu, The University of Auckland
Louis Schipper, University of Waikato
Dr Rachael Shaw, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington
Hamiora Te Momo, Waikato Institute of Technology
Rain Lamdin, University of Auckland
Professor Cameron Grant, Department of Paediatrics: Child & Youth Health, University of Auckland
Amber Russell, University of Otago
Dr Stephen On, Lincoln University
Ilish Thomas, Massey University
Jasmine Gabrielle-Hinchey, Royal Society Te Apārangi
Saumaleula Gardenia Lau Young, University of Waikato Alumni
Katrina Laurie, CORE Education
Dr Lisa Underwood, University of Auckland
Jeremy Rossaak PhD, University of Auckland
Zimena Dormer-Didovich, BSc Marine Sciences student, University of Auckland
Ben Jones PhD Candidate, University of Auckland
Shannon Neuhaus, University of Auckland Philosophy graduate, Massey University undergraduate Pschology student
Raawiri David Ratuu, Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust
Philippa Friary, The University of Auckland
Dr T Morison, Massey University
Trina Paewai, Massey University
AProf Annika Hinze, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato
Dr. Miriam Ross, Independent Researcher
Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman, Swampfrog Environmental & Tree Consultants Ltd
Professor Douglas Easterly, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Tu'ulenana Iuli, Polynesian Panther Party
Dr Cheri Hotu, University of Auckland/Auckland District Health Board
Associate Professor Helen Dixon, FOEDSw The university of Auckland
Dr Andrey Ivanov, Ivanov Consulting Ltd
Max Simpson, NSW Department of Education - Corporate Head Office, Parramatta, NSW, Australia
Karen Denyer, National Wetland Trust (Executive Officer)
Yourong F. Wang, The University of Auckland
Geoff Ford, University of Canterbury
Sarah Bailey, Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland
Sarah Kearns, University of Auckland
Clare Aspinall, University of Otago Wellington
Melanie Orchard (BA, BSc, PGDipDiet), University of Otago, University of Canterbury, Southern District Health Board
Katherine Lamor-Cahill, Freelance STEM Writer
Dr Polly Stupples, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University
Kate Waterworth, AUT University
Haydn Drake, Auckland University of Technology
Cara Glintmeyer, Vientiane International School
Associate Professor Imran Muhammad, Massey University
Dr Marie-Claire Smith, University of Auckland
Tristam Sparks, Ngā Pae Māhutonga · School of Design · Toi Rauwharangi · College of Creative Arts · Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa · Massey University
Dr. Tara C. Dennehy, University of British Columbia
Professor David Johnston, Massey University
Anjum Rahman, Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono
Dr Aidan Gnoth, University of Otago
Sophie Jones, University of Auckland
Dr Joseph Donnelly, University of Auckland
Andrea Johnston, Individual, Retired
Lynne Knapp, University of Otago
Mike Stone, NZASE, BEANZ, Learning Solutions
Steven Murray, The Lane
Maurie Abraham, Hobsonville Point Secondary School
Simon Connolly, University of Waikato
Angie Strachan, Auckland University of Technology
Craig Shearer, Chair, NZ Skeptics Inc.
Keitha Booth, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
Erina Okeroa, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington - alumna
Amanda Hunt MPhil(EnvSc), Ornithologist
Phoebe Tiatia-England, Wellington Girls' College
Jamie Gillen, University of Auckland
Dr Kelly Blincoe, University of Auckland
Chandar Dewan, Tangaroa College
Dr Sandra Isabel Hall, Retired
Kane Raukura, Faculty of Science, De La Salle College
Prof Lisa Matisoo-Smith, University of Otago
Dr Tracey McLellan, MP for Banks Peninsula
Leanne Te Karu, University of Auckland University of Otago
Paul Thompson, CBiol MRSB
Tony Fala, Love Aotearoa Hate Racism Activist Coalition
Victoria Passau, Auckland War Memorial Museum
Dr Anna Smaill, Independent research
Dr Andrea Tritton, Hobsonville Point Secondary School
Dr Kate Nicholls, School of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Auckland University of Technology
Jack Craw, Koru Biosecurity
Paul Cottam, MSocSci, Lincoln University
Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley, Massey University
Dr Jo Nunnerley, University of Otago/ Burwood Academy Trust
Holly Welford, University of Canterbury- Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Sarah-Kay Coulter, University of Auckland
Kane Raukura, Faculty of Science, De La Salle College
Dr Monica Gerth, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Sally Provan, PhD received at University of Canterbury
Rachel Dibble, Otago Polytechnic
Pauline Waiti, Ahu Whakamua Limited
Dr Michael Steven, Independent researcher
A/Prof Wayne Patrick, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Isabel Moller, University of Auckland, Alumni
Helen Woolner, Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Alex Monteith, Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
Ariah-Bella McCarthy, Aorere College
Associate Professor Sarah Hetrick, University of Auckland
Associate Professor Susan Ballard, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Larraine Barton, Secretary, Earth & Space Science Educators NZ
Dr Sean Hanna, University of Otago
Matekitawhiti Innes, Head of Department- Science. Aorere College
Jess Bond, CORE Education
Rachel Denee, PhD candidate, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Jess Singh, Little Scientists/House of Science
Monika, University of Auckland
Dr Holly McQuillan, TU Delft, formerly Massey University.
Dr Annie Te One, Te Herenga Waka
Dr Robin Quigg, University of Otago
Dr Martin Atkins, University of Waikato
Dr Hanna van Waart, University of Auckland
James Ting-Edwards, Member of the public
Libby Passau, University of Auckland
Angela Fox, South Westland Area School
Dr George Laking, Hei Āhuru Mōwai
Dr Marion Tan, Massey University
Mary Hill, Retired
Ross McKenzie, Otago Museum
Simon Chamberlain, Victoria University of Wellington alumni
Dr Carolyn Clark FRACP PhD, CCDHB
Christopher Reid, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Dr. Nisha Ghatak, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Awanui Te Huia, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Tatjana Buklijas, University of Auckland
Nigel Robertson, University of Waikato
Professor Marianne Franklin, Goldsmiths University (London UK)
M. Kalani Souza, University of Hawaii NDPTC
Dr. Anke Zernack, Massey University
Dr Paul Heyward, University of Auckland
Hayley Shields, Causation
Dr Melissa Gould, Auckland University of Technology
Glen Young, Apanui School
Tangiatua M Faireka, De La Salle College
Joanna Appleby, University of Auckland
Tom Phillips, Retired (UK) ex Massey University & University of Melbourne
Kath Haines, Wellington East Girls' College
Leana Barriball, Ngati Kahungunu, Te Atiawa
Dr Anna Strycharz-Banas, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Susan E. Jowsey, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Alison Campbell, Honorary Fellow, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Cate Ryan, AUT
Alexis Cameron, Pasifika Allied Health Aotearoa NZ / Auckland DHB
Dr. Farhana Rahman, University of Cambridge
Leo Havemann, The Open University/University College London
Sibylla Grace Lolohea Tava, Va'aomanū Pasifika, Te Herenga Waka/The University of Victoria Wellington
Dr Sam Jackson, Rehutai Consulting
Dr. kasper van wijk, University of Auckland
Dr Eva Neely, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
Finnbar Lee, University of Auckland
Eleanor Brittain, Massey University
Breanna Greaney, University of Canterbury
Alyssa Greaney, University of Canterbury
Kaye-Maree Dun, University of Melbourne - Atlantic Fellow
Professor Nigel French, Massey University
Anna Knox, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
Miriam McIvor, Aorere College
Dr Delamy Keall, Arohanui Hospice
Siân Munson Nurse Practitioner, Massey University/EIT alumni
Dr Robert Kilpatrick,, AUT
Marie Sua, Aorere College
Assoc Prof Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury
Dr. Eugenio Fabre, Aorere College, Auckland NZ
Dr Joe O’Callaghan, NIWA
Associate Professor Adrian Cookson, AgResearch/Massey University
Dr Fiona Barker, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Cameron Tonkinwise, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Ellen Nicholson, School of Clinical Sciences, AUT
Chloe Priebe, University of Otago
Claire Porima, University of Otago
Simon Rangiwahia, Aorere College
Paul Bruere, Department of Conservation
Dr Kirsten Edgar, PhD from Victoria University of Wellington
Nalei Taufa, University of Auckland
James Green, University of Limerick
Lillian Pak, Hutt City Libraries
Dr. Emma Scotter, The University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau
Simran Sonawalla, University of Auckland
Dr Eddie Clark, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Tyne Crow, University of Auckland
Sumit Samant, Auckland City Hospital
Dr. Johanne Egan, Waitematā District Health Board | Auckland University of Technology
Tania Cliffe-Tautari, The University of Auckland -
Emma Howden, Green Bay High School
Dr Ellen Strickland, Internet New Zealand
Ani Pahuru-Huriwai, Tairawhiti REAP
Cassidy Temese, Te Whāriki Takapou
Jonathan Riddell, Avonside Girls High School
Lynda Bowers, Howick College
Maia Moko, University of Waikato
Kate McLeod, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
Hemalini Ram, Aorere College
Dr Julia de Bres, Massey University
Dr Anfela Doherty, Auckland Emergency Management
Dr Pauline Harris, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr. Juliette Phillipson, Canterbury District Health Board
Professor Louise Signal, University of Otago
Dr Zita Joyce, University of Canterbury
Professor David Murdoch, University of Otago
Maddy Drew, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University Wellington
Dr Natalie Jones, University of Cambridge
Brigitte Glasson, Science Education Consultant, Ōtautahi
Dr Sharon Toi, Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Rachel Berryman, University of Auckland, Curtin University
Dr Rachel Douglas-Jones, IT University of Copenhagen
Sabine Weber-Beard, Far North District Libraries
Angelique Jackson, Social housing provider
Meteria Rapata; Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Maahuta, Te Whare Wānanga ō Awanuiārangi
Dr Aidan Kiely, Aorere College
Dr Cherryl Smith, Te Runanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngati Apa
Andrew Ecclestone, Institute for Governance & Policy Studies, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Ruaputahanga Takiari-Taua, Victoria University of Wellington
Cassandra Biddle, Te Wananga o Raukawa
Travis Moke, University of Waikato
Dr Steve Gallagher, University of Otago
Amaaria-Rose Bhana, University of Waikato
Tinaya Straker, University of Waikato
Aileen Sweeney, Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
Dr James Muirhead, University of Auckland
Beatrice Wooding, Victoria University of Wellington
Meteria Tapsell, Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Victoria Travers, Stardome Observatory & Planetarium
Marina Alofagia McCartney, PhD Candidate, Auckland University of Technology
Karena Ngata, TIC History RGHS
Marcus Fletcher, University of Waikato
Mana Huggan, Te Wānanga o te Aotearoa
Sarah Karstens, University of Auckland
Dr Barb O'Loughlin, Independent researcher
Dr Karen Bartholomew, Public Health, researcher
Marion Grant, University of Otago, Victoria University of Wellington (Alumni)
Beckie Alexander, B.A, BHealthSci, Womens Health and Wellness Consultant
Mahora Manuel-Hepi, University of Waikato
Peter Wilson, Aorere College
Jack Yan, Jack Yan & Associates
Geoff Hume-Cook, Independent Research
Professor Jennifer Craig, The University of Auckland
Parminder Kaur, Victoria University of Wellington
Prof. María José Figuerero, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Adjunct Associate Professor Shaun Ogilvie, Ngāi Tahu Research Centre
Zena Cumpston, University of Melbourne
Penelope Ehrhardt, Oxford University
Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, Griffith University
Katrina Taylor, St Peter’s College, Palmerston North
Michael-Shawn Fletcher, University of Melbourne
Dr. Lorri J. Santamaría, California Lutheran University
Kevin Glynn, Northumbria University (formerly of Massey University)
Nuriluz Hermosilla, Universidad de Chile
Channon Stewart, Mother
Verónica Baeza de la Fuente, Colegio de arqueólogas y arqueólogos de Chile A.G.
Molly Bergquist, University of Auckland
Dr Kelsey Deane, Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
Dr Lola Mugisho, The University of Auckland
Mishuana R Goeman, UCLA
Ina Kumeroa Kara-France, PhD Student/Environmental Consultant
Rosie ʻAnolani Alegado, Associate Professor of Oceanography, University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa
André Bittar, King's College London
Dr. Max Liboiron, Memorial University
Dr. Emma Brasell, McGill University and Massey University (alumni)
Anne Doree, Psychologist @ the Chrysalis
Mieke Heyns, University of Waikato
Julia McCook-Weir, Individual
Tanisha Jowsey, University of Auckland
Dr. Bonnie Etherington, University of the South Pacific
Dr Paul Watson, Whanau Āwhina Plunket
Sherna Matta, Westlake Girls High School
Dr Matthew Parry, University of Otago
Manu Caddie, Rua Bioscience
Sophie McInnes, Lincoln University (PG student)
Leanne Stubbing, Newlands Intermediate
Tracy Macfarlane, The MOKO foundation
Dr Sally Greaves, Self Employed
Dr Carrie Falling, University of Otago
Chloe Marsh, Biology teacher, Green Bay High School
Tamsin Kingston, University of Auckland
Professor William Levack, Dean & Head of Campus - Wellington University of Otago
Justine Treadwell, University of Auckland
Dr Anne O’Callaghan, The University of Auckland
Jenny Scott, Aorere College
Te Awatea Ward, Massey University
Eliana Darroch, Open Polytech Kauratini Tuwhera
Anna Pendergrast, Antistatic
Dr Sophie Briggs, University of Otago
Dr Corrinne Sullivan, Western Sydney University
Sally Raudon, PhD candidate University of Cambridge
Mahuya Pal, University of South Florida
Kim Tairi, AUT (Library)
Louise Ryan, NgaPuna O Waiorea Western Springs College
Associate Professor Christine Woods, University of Auckland Business School
Courtney Johnston, Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Dr Alex Kazemi, University of Auckland (masters student)
Manaia Sialei Laulu, Manurewa High School
Marlon Moala-Knox, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka
John Perrott, AUT
Rebecca Sinclair RN
Sarah Scott, AUT
Cherie Bennett, Aorere College
Julie MacArthur, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada
Dr. Becca Weber, University of Auckland
Temukisa Leuluai, Aorere College
Helen Kingi, Te Kura o te Paroa
Tony McNamara BSc MBA, Auckland University
Rosa Hughes-Currie, Co-head of Science, Ngā Puna o Waiõrea Western Springs College
Ashley Oswin, Toi Rauwhangi (School of Design, College of Creative Arts) Massey University
Dr Helen Fitzsimons, Massey University
Lucile Fayolle, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Ashley Mortensen, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
Samantha York, Head of Science James Hargest College
Tarn Gillman, Auckland Zoo
Dr Christopher Cornwall, Victoria University of Wellington
Carol Manukau, POP Housing Project-Business Wahine with Carol Manukau
Adrianne McAllister, Ohope Beach
Ana Claasen, Independent
Dr Mark Harvey, CAI, The University of Auckland
Sam Bigwood, Victoria University of Wellington
Ainslie Dewe, Auckland Museum
Associate Professor Alys Longley, University of Auckland
Dr Claire Henry, University of Otago
Associate Professor Anne-Marie Jackson, University of Otago, Te Koronga, Coastal People: Southern Skies
Lillian Grace, Figure Group
Dr Martin Espig, AgResearch
Dr Kirsten Hanna, AUT University
Mark Solomon, Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira inc
Dr Pradip Gyawali, Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd
Febyana Suryaningrum, PhD Candidate Auckland University of Technology
Patricia Davis, Plant and Food Research
Professor Kath McPherson, AUT
Dr Linda Samuelsson, AgResearch
Rhiannon Bertaud-Ganda, MPhil History of Science, alumna University of Oxford
Huti Puketapu-Watson. MPH., Te Kahui Maori Genomics Governance Forum
Dr Joanna Beaumont, Royal NZ College of General Practitioners
Jason Northver, Kaupapa Māori Clinical Educator, University of Canterbury
Kelly Palmer, ESR
Shanta Budha Magar, AUT
William Godsoe, Lincoln University
Dr Kathleen Mistry, University of Auckland FMHS
Camille Nakhid, Auckland University of Technology
Shannon Walsh, University of Auckland, NZEI Te Riu Roa
Conor Watene O’sullivan, Moko Foundatiom
Hurihia Tomo, Kaiako Maori, Aorere College
Dr Hanna Allerkamp, University of Auckland
Kate Worboys, Pakuranga College
Dr Anna Garden, University of Otago
Dr Phillip Aitken, Unaffiliated
Joanne Chapman, ESR
Dr Sarah Donald, University of Otago, Dunedin
Lance Pehina Taiwhanga, Maori
Awanis Azizan, AUT
Dr Tia Reihana Morunga, The University of Auckland
Dr. Laura Caballe-Climent, LSHTM
Dr. Rick Fisher, Te Pukenga
Antonia Raynel, Waikato University
Dr Lana Kostrykina, the Global Studies Programme, the University of Auckland
Debbie Mikaere, University of Auckland (Alumna)
Kirsten Beynon, Holistic Performance Institute, NZ
Dr Antje Deckert, AUT
Andrea Stephens, Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Samantha Parsons, University of auckland
Tagaloatele Professor Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop, P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc
Professor Lisa Stamp, University of Otago, Christchurch
Ana McAllister, Artist
Dr Clive Aspin (Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whanaunga, Ngāti Tamaterā), Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University
Dr Simona Nardozza, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
Dr Vivienne Kent, AUT University
Dr Kimberley Snowden, Plant & Food Research
Chris Grimshaw, University of Canterbury University of Canterbury |Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Around Te Pareake Mead, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Dr James Ataria, Cawthron Institute
Associate Professor Mike Grimshaw, University of Canterbury
Professor Marilyn Waring, AUT University
Assoc. Prof. Ocean Mercier, Victoria University of Wellington
Arianna Nisa-Waller, University of Otago
Dr Jan Grant, Plant and Food Research
Iccha Basnyat, George Mason University
Dr Heather Braid, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Michelle Johansson, Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ
Dr Felicity Williamson, Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Robert Matheson, Cawthorn Institute
Dr. Jonathan Tonkin, University of Canterbury
Kassidy Pupuo, Te Whare Wānanga o Te Kurahuna- Mahi a Atua
Chloe Fergusson-Tibble, University of Auckland 5th year medical student
Dr Nicolette Rattenbury, The University of Auckland
Ebony Jones, Bunbury, WA
Tiria Waitai, Kaiako of Science, Biology & Pūtaiao, Te Kura o Manutūkē
Dr Marion Leighton, University of Otago
Dr Karen Ashton, Massey University
Taylor Tutawa Mclaren, Uniservices
Dr Zoe Wilson, University of Auckland
Duncan Milne, MN, social housing
Roisin Ruane, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Ann Chapman MNZM, JP (retd), ANN CHAPMAN
Rosie Gibson, Massey University
Jeremy Downing, Teaching and Learning Lead, Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ
Raihan Jamil, Ph. D., University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Maria Sevao, Ako Mātātupu Teach First NZ
Dr Vanessa Arranz, Massey University
Richard Watkinson, Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ
Maria Larcombe, University of Otago
Kristen Burton, Ako Mātātupu
Dawn Lawrence, University of Waikato
Julia Craig, University of Auckland, Ako Mātātupu Teach First NZ
Jayden Matchitt, Ako Mātātupu
Phylesha Brown-Acton MNZM, F’INE Pasifika Aotearoa Trust
Arran Whiteford, Te Herenga Waka
Dr. Linetto Basilone, University of Auckland
Nicola Munro, GP, Stoke Medical Centre
Marwan Juma, University of Auckland
Professor Murray Thomson, The University of Otago
Ryan Macallister, The University of Auckland
Dr Matthew Jenkins, University of Otago
Kate Hannah, University of Auckland
Waikaremoana Waitoki, President, New Zealand Psychological Society

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