Linguistics jobs interviews
Did you study linguistics? Did you go onto an interesting job, especially outside academia? Would you like to share your hard-earned career wisdom with some beginning linguists who want to learn more about what their options are?

Maybe you'd like to answer a few questions for my linguistics jobs series at All Things Linguistic!

Here's a couple sample interviews, but yours doesn't have to be this long -- and feel free to not respond to a particular question if you don't think it applies in your case or add another question that you think you should have been asked. 

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Your name, as you'd like to be identified on the title of the blog post
Your job title, as you'd like it to be identified on the title of the blog post
What do you do as a [name of job]?
How did you get started?
What are the best and worst parts of your job?
What advice would you give someone who wants get a job like yours?
What would a typical "day in the life" of your job look like?
What's your linguistics background and how does that help you in your job?
Is there anything else that you wish I'd asked or that you think people should know about your job?
Are there any links or other resources that you'd recommend for people wanting to learn more about you or careers in your area?
(Feel free to self-promote here! eg your website, twitter, etc)
Your email, so I can follow up with any questions and send you a link when your post is up on All Things Linguistic (email won't be published)
Consent check: I agree that my responses to this form will be published as a part of the linguistics jobs series on the blog All Things Linguistic. My only compensation is a warm fuzzy feeling from helping junior linguists but I retain the right to republish my answers anywhere. *
(Will *probably* be published, assuming that Gretchen decides they're of interest to readers of All Things Linguistic, i.e. not spam or something. If you're replying after the end of September 2016, please ping me somewhere eg email, twitter so that I know someone has replied as I may not be checking this form a year later. If you'd rather retain more control over your words, feel free to publish it on your own blog or website and just send me a link so I can post about it.)
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