Resign Banducci - Save NIC
Dear friends and supporters of North Idaho College,

The following message is going to be placed into a public ad in local newspapers and used in social media.  We need as many signatures as possible from citizens, supporters, voters, and groups.  Every name counts, and every person and group who will join in this effort will help make change.

This is one of several different efforts that are now being launched to Save NIC.  Our community needs North Idaho College to be healthy and effective - just as it has been for decades, until recently.

Please help us by adding your name and Email address to the list of people agreeing to sign this letter below, and sharing this link with your friends and families, and on social media and through text messages.

Together we can Save NIC.

Thank you!

North Idaho College
Board Chairman Todd Banducci
NIC’s accreditation is at risk of being revoked, which will destroy the college as we know it.
The NWCCU report shows the reason is the behavior of Board Chairman Todd Banducci.
Todd Banducci has violated his oath of office to the citizens of Kootenai County.
He has failed in his duty of care to the position to which we elected him.

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