Dear Students,

Here you have the first quiz that you need to complete. Remember that this test has no mark, but it is very important that you answer these questions. The results of this quiz will help us to prepare better lessons, and to know how you have been learning during these days.
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Read each sign and choose the best answer in each case.
1 point
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1 point
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1 point
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1 point
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Read the text below. Then, answer questions 6 to 10.
6. Donna's Dad decided not to drive the Great Ocean Road himself because *
1 point
7. When Donna saw a kangaroo along the route, she was *
1 point
8. Donna says that the koala bears they saw were *
1 point
9. What was Donna's opinion of the place where they stayed? *
1 point
10. What might Donna write in her blog during the trip? *
1 point
Listening. Click on each link and listen to the conversation. Then, choose the correct picture.
11. Where did the boy find his mobile phone? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MA7Y9inYp8Af6_LuLS5JDKtyk6CkbHUC *
1 point
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12. Which program does the girl want to watch? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LceOAAzHnZr7pUmt6KvV1tjiiAjbLlGK *
1 point
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13. Which animal did the girl enjoy seeing the most? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CHZnE4FTBWjUkBgjLFqlcwCukCK13SMS *
1 point
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14. What will the boy look like in his school play? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_Ls8oqVTV-Kn1uSUd0H0ew2rt1opIKlL *
1 point
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15. What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ESFQS0XPU8tvaQK8IXAiEKepWbRjMMbc *
1 point
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You will hear an interview with a 15-year-old boy called Callum, who runs a successful book review website for teenagers. For each question, choose the correct answer. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y8inPo2OvJdYk2gDAjbEPsLClce2UpQT
16. How did Callum learn about setting up a website? *
1 point
17. Why did Callum decide to set up a book review website? *
1 point
18. How did Callum feel when his site first went online? *
1 point
19. What does Callum say about a typical day? *
1 point
20. When Callum is eighteen he'd like to *
1 point
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